Issue - meetings

ICT Desktop Strategy & Replacement of ICT Desktop Equipment

Meeting: 18/09/2013 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 ICT Desktop Strategy & Replacement of ICT Desktop Equipment pdf icon PDF 61 KB

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That Cabinet give approval to:


  • undertake a procurement exercise and subsequently award a contract for the supply of replacement ICT Desktop equipment;
  • implement the ICT Desktop Strategy (the Strategy) as detailed in the report.




A report was submitted to seek Cabinet approval to procure and subsequently award a contract for replacement ICT Desktop equipment as a result of the move to Windows 7 and Office 2010, and in parallel to put in place a robust and manageable ICT Desktop Strategy.


Resolved: That Cabinet give approval to:


  • undertake a procurement exercise and subsequently award a contract for the supply of replacement ICT Desktop equipment;
  • implement the ICT Desktop Strategy (the Strategy) as detailed in the report.