Issue - meetings

Proposals for the Disposal of the Former Jubilee Baths Site

Meeting: 22/05/2013 - Cabinet (Item 13)

13 Proposals for the Disposal of the Former Jubilee Baths Site pdf icon PDF 39 KB

The appendix to the report contains exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of Part I of the Local Government Act 1972 and is therefore not for publication.  If the Cabinet wishes to discuss the content of the appendix it will be necessary to exclude the press and public from the meeting during its consideration.

Additional documents:


Councillor Terry Turner, portfolio holder for Economic Development, Regeneration and Town Centres, introduced a report seeking approval of the disposal of the above site on terms outlined within the report.


The Cabinet was advised that the appendix to the report (which contained details of the proposed terms) was not for publication as it contained exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of Part I of the Local Government Act 1972.  As such, if the Cabinet wished to discuss the content of the appendix it would be necessary to exclude the press and public from the meeting during its consideration.  In the event, such discussion and exclusion did not take place.


The offer was considered to represent market value, generating a significant capital receipt and would result in the redevelopment of the redundant swimming baths.


The disposal was in accordance with both the council’s Asset Management Strategy (in respect of surplus land/property) and its Capital Strategy, and would optimise the prospects of regenerating this part of the town centre and secure the satisfactory redevelopment of a key town centre site.


An alternative option would be to decline the offer and continue to market the site for disposal in the hope that a higher one was received.  The council had a duty both to achieve ‘best consideration’ in the disposal of the site and to use its best endeavours to secure a form of redevelopment that would not only enhance the Town Centre Conservation Area but also benefit the local economy.




(1)               That the offer to purchase from Westlands Estates Limited be accepted; and

(2)               That officers be authorised to complete the disposal on the terms summarised both within the report and at Appendix A; and

(3)               That steps be taken to ascertain the ownership of the properties opposite the site with a view to entering into discussions with the owners to achieve a tidying up of their condition.