Issue - meetings

Developing the Private Rented Option for Homeless Residents

Meeting: 22/05/2013 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Developing the Private Rented Option for Homeless Residents pdf icon PDF 41 KB


Councillor John Williams, portfolio holder for Stronger and Healthier Neighbourhoods, introduced a report outlining how the Homelessness (Suitability of Accommodation) (England) Order 2012 provided the council with the additional option of re-housing homeless households into suitable private rented accommodation in order to meet its statutory duties.


The report recommended the use of Homelessness Prevention funding, already allocated within the council’s existing homelessness budgets, to fund innovative approaches to encourage private landlords to re-house homeless households when appropriate.  This recognised that the demand for housing options services and the provision of housing was increasing and more could be done in the private rented housing sector to alleviate these needs.


As well as the recommended option, the report considered the alternative of continuing to offer assistance with the current homelessness prevention tools; however, the opportunities to meet a household’s housing need through the private rented sector would continue to be of limited success in the borough, thereby reducing the overall prospects of meeting customer needs.


Resolved:     That Homelessness Prevention funding, already allocated within the council’s existing homelessness budgets, be used to fund innovative approaches to encourage private landlords to re-house homeless households when appropriate.