Issue - meetings

Newcastles of the World Alliance

Meeting: 06/03/2013 - Cabinet (Item 10)

10 Newcastles of the World Alliance pdf icon PDF 49 KB


(1)               That the council endorses the overall priority themes of the draft Development Plan and agrees to ongoing participation in the Alliance, including a preparedness to contribute up to £2,500 per annum towards secretarial costs met from the existing budget;

(2)               That the council commits to working with appropriate partners to improve global business, educational and cultural links to other Newcastles;

(3)               That the council actively supports the development of an Alliance website, including developing tourism and media links to promote ‘good news’ stories about the borough;

(4)               That the council agrees, in principle, to attend the 2014 summit, subject to consideration as part of the budget-setting process in 2014/15;

(5)               That the council agrees to support partners in developing the youth aspect of the Alliance;

(6)               That officers be authorised to engage with the current secretariat on the basis set out in this report and to report back to members on progress with the Alliance or when key decisions are required;

(7)               That the matter be referred to the Economic Development and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the committee’s comments in parallel with the implementation of the other resolutions; and

(8)               That Dr Becket (the Mayoress) be thanked for the work they have undertaken in respect of aim (e) above, and steps be taken to establish where the council may be able to assist in sustaining that work.


Councillor Boden, portfolio holder for Planning, Regeneration and Town Centres, introduced a report to enable the Cabinet to consider whether the council should continue to participate in the ‘Newcastles of the World’ Alliance, specifically with the following aims:-


a)         To further develop business, educational and cultural links with other Newcastles around the world;

b)         To work in partnership with Newcastle-upon–Tyne and other members of the Alliance to progress an Alliance website and investment of officer time into further developing tourism links;

c)         To support the establishment of an Alliance secretariat and to prioritise officer resources in order to ensure that the council is a credible partner;

d)         To commit ‘in principle’ to attend the next World Conference in 2014 and to prioritise  officer resources from January 2014 to prepare for the event to maximise the outcomes; and

e)         To support the Mayoress and work with Keele University, Newcastle College, Staffordshire County Council and local schools to develop the Youth aspects of the Alliance (including education).


It was noted that the financial contributions made by the various Newcastles were pro rata to their respective populations.




(1)               That the council endorses the overall priority themes of the draft Development Plan and agrees to ongoing participation in the Alliance, including a preparedness to contribute up to £2,500 per annum towards secretarial costs met from the existing budget;

(2)               That the council commits to working with appropriate partners to improve global business, educational and cultural links to other Newcastles;

(3)               That the council actively supports the development of an Alliance website, including developing tourism and media links to promote ‘good news’ stories about the borough;

(4)               That the council agrees, in principle, to attend the 2014 summit, subject to consideration as part of the budget-setting process in 2014/15;

(5)               That the council agrees to support partners in developing the youth aspect of the Alliance;

(6)               That officers be authorised to engage with the current secretariat on the basis set out in this report and to report back to members on progress with the Alliance or when key decisions are required;

(7)               That the matter be referred to the Economic Development and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the committee’s comments in parallel with the implementation of the other resolutions; and

(8)               That Dr Becket (the Mayoress) be thanked for the work they have undertaken in respect of aim (e) above, and steps be taken to establish where the council may be able to assist in sustaining that work.