Issue - meetings

Affordable Housing Regeneration Partnership

Meeting: 06/03/2013 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Affordable Housing Regeneration Partnership pdf icon PDF 40 KB


(1)               That officers be authorised to prepare and execute a Partnership Agreement in consultation with the relevant portfolio holder based on the principles of the proposed partnership approach as outlined in the report;

(2)               That an appropriate governance structure be established including the Leader of the Council and/or portfolio holder and appropriate senior officers;

(3)               That the partnership commits to a jointly-funded feasibility appraisal and that the council’s contribution be met from the existing strategic housing service budget; and

(4)               That the Partnership Board be authorised to finalise the Partnership Agreement and commission the feasibility study.


Councillor Boden, portfolio holder for Planning, Regeneration and Town Centres, introduced a report proposing a partnership approach with Aspire Housing in respect of the regeneration of affordable housing.


While significant physical, social and economic regeneration had been undertaken over many years in the borough, including most recently the housing led Renew programme, there were areas which could be improved further and it was appropriate for the council to consider partnerships and priority areas for future development, particularly in light of growing housing need against the backdrop of a sharp decline in the availability of external funding.


Of the available options of deploying its enabling role, developing schemes in isolation, or adopting a partnership approach, the report set out the reasons for adopting the third option as it would provide the opportunity for additional capacity, resources and skills to be combined across partner agencies to deliver schemes effectively.  As the main affordable housing provider in the borough owning land in key regeneration sites, Aspire Housing was a key potential partner.  In particular, both Aspire Housing and the council had significant land holdings in important regeneration locations and it would be appropriate to work with Aspire Housing to consider regenerating and redeveloping these areas because of the mutuality of interest.


It was noted that Councillors Mrs Beech and Williams had been appointed to the board of Aspire Housing as representatives of the council, and it was therefore unnecessary for them to declare interests in that regard.




(1)               That officers be authorised to prepare and execute a Partnership Agreement in consultation with the relevant portfolio holder based on the principles of the proposed partnership approach as outlined in the report;

(2)               That an appropriate governance structure be established including the Leader of the Council and/or portfolio holder and appropriate senior officers;

(3)               That the partnership commits to a jointly-funded feasibility appraisal and that the council’s contribution be met from the existing strategic housing service budget; and

(4)               That the Partnership Board be authorised to finalise the Partnership Agreement and commission the feasibility study.