Issue - meetings

Revenue and Capital Budgets and Council Tax 2013-14

Meeting: 06/02/2013 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 Revenue and Capital Budgets and Council Tax 2013-14 pdf icon PDF 47 KB


(1)               That it be recommended to full council that the revised minimum balances requirement be £1,300,000, with the excess of £200,000 above the current levels being transferred to the Insurance Fund (£150,000) and the Renewals and Repairs Fund (£50,000);

(2)               That it be recommended to full council that £80,000 be transferred out of the Standards Fund into the MMI Provision;

(3)               That the 2013/14 General Fund Revenue Budget and the Capital Programme 2013/14 as detailed in the report to Cabinet dated 16 January 2013 be recommended to full council for approval; and

(4)               That the charges in respect of waiver permits be approved and added to the Scale of Fees and Charges.


Councillor Stubbs, portfolio holder for Finance and Budget Management, introduced a report to enable Cabinet to recommend the 2013/14 General Fund Revenue Budget and the 2013/14 Capital Programme to the full council, meeting on 27 February 2013, following consideration of comments received from the Transformation and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting of 24 January 2013 and the Scrutiny Café held on 17 January 2013.


Councillor Shenton, Chair of the Transformation and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee, reported on the success of the scrutiny meeting and café and noted that answers had been received to all questions raised by members.  The Leader thanked those members who had been involved and engaged with the process.




(1)               That it be recommended to full council that the revised minimum balances requirement be £1,300,000, with the excess of £200,000 above the current levels being transferred to the Insurance Fund (£150,000) and the Renewals and Repairs Fund (£50,000);

(2)               That it be recommended to full council that £80,000 be transferred out of the Standards Fund into the MMI Provision;

(3)               That the 2013/14 General Fund Revenue Budget and the Capital Programme 2013/14 as detailed in the report to Cabinet dated 16 January 2013 be recommended to full council for approval; and

(4)               That the charges in respect of waiver permits be approved and added to the Scale of Fees and Charges.