Issue - meetings

Budget Consultation Report

Meeting: 12/12/2012 - Cabinet (Item 21)

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(a)        That Cabinet notes the outcomes of the budget consultation process.


(b)               That Cabinet authorises the Portfolio holders for Communications, Transformation and Partnerships and Budget and Financial Management to review the consultation process with the Head of Communications and consider how budget consultations could be developed for the future.


(c)               That in the future the consultation exercise be carried out in two stages as per the scrutiny committee recommendations with greater emphasis on the long term.



A report was submitted to provide Cabinet with information relating to the outcomes of the budget consultation process. The six-week consultation process held been held during October and November and was the first major budget consultation for a number of years.  The responses and comments from the public would help the borough council as it considered spending pressures and priorities over the next two financial years.


The report had been considered by the Transformation and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 10th December and the Chair of that Committee was in attendance at the meeting to provide feedback to Cabinet members. Members of the Scrutiny committee considered that in the future it would be beneficial to carry out the consultation exercise earlier in the year and that it could be done in two stages with an initial start in early summer and an in depth consultation on more detailed proposals in late autumn. The Committee considered that the whole process had given an opportunity for residents to express their opinions, allowed better engagement between officers, elected members and the general public and sent an overall positive message to residents in the Borough.


The Chair requested that Cabinet report back to the Committee following an in depth analysis of all the feedback received. Assurance was given that this feedback would be provided.  Thanks were expressed to the Scrutiny Committee for its feedback.


Cabinet Members thanked the Communications Team for their work on the consultation process and the Ward Members who had taken time to attend public consultation meetings.


RESOLVED:   (a)        That Cabinet notes the outcomes of the budget consultation process.


(b)         That Cabinet authorises the Portfolio holders for Communications, Transformation and Partnerships and Budget and Financial Management to review the consultation process with the Head of Communications and consider how budget consultations could be developed for the future.


(c)         That in the future the consultation exercise be carried out in two stages as per the scrutiny committee recommendations with greater emphasis on the long term.