Issue - meetings

Budget Performance Monitoring Report 2012 Quarter 2

Meeting: 12/12/2012 - Cabinet (Item 20)

20 Budget Performance Monitoring Report 2012 Quarter 2 pdf icon PDF 45 KB

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(a)        That Cabinet note the contents of the report and recommend that the Council continues to monitor and scrutinise performance alongside finances.

(b)        That Cabinet note that the appendix is an interim performance report to be further developed as detailed in the Performance Management Framework Review. The intention is to report performance information in a new format as the work is progressed.

(c)        That the comments raised at the Transformation & Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee held 19 November 2012 be noted.


(d)        That in the future, sickness monitoring be broken down into long and short term sickness.




A report was submitted to provide Cabinet with the Financial and Performance Review for the 2012/13 Second Quarter (July-September). The reports provided information about the corporate performance of individual council services, alongside financial information.  This report had been presented to the Transformation & Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee on 19 November 2012. 


The Portfolio Holder for Budget and Finance Management stated that the variance appeared favourable for the first 6 months and thanked Members of the Wider Management Team for their work achieving this. The Capital side was also being well managed and any areas highlighted for concern were in hand. The Council Leader also thanked the Finance team for their work in achieving this.

Members queried whether the Portfolio Holder thought that the council tax collection levels could drop once the new scheme was introduced. The Portfolio Holder agreed that this would be a hard time but that the team collecting council tax would adapt to the new scheme and continue to carry out the job to the standard seen at the present time.

Members requested whether a breakdown could be provided regarding the average number of days lost through sickness per employee to indicate staff who were off on long term sickness.  It was agreed that this information could be provided in the future.

The Portfolio Holder for Safer Communities drew Members attention to page 63 of the Agenda here it was stated that anti-social behaviour results had increased by 3%. The Portfolio stated that this did not mean that the number of incidents was increasing but that the anti social behaviour team were putting a lot of work into this area thus resulting in an increase in incidents reported.

The Portfolio for Culture and Leisure highlighted the fact that Kidsgrove Sports Centre was now open again but that a publicity drive was required in the New Year to bring users back to the facility.


RESOLVED:   (a)        That Cabinet note the contents of the report and recommend that the Council continues to monitor and scrutinise performance alongside finances.

(b)        That Cabinet note that the appendix is an interim performance report to be further developed as detailed in the Performance Management Framework Review. The intention is to report performance information in a new format as the work is progressed.

(c)        That the comments raised at the Transformation & Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee held 19 November 2012 be noted.


(d)        That in the future, sickness monitoring be broken down into long and short term sickness.