Issue - meetings

Housing Capital Programme 2013/14

Meeting: 16/01/2013 - Cabinet (Item 11)

11 Housing Capital Programme 2013/14 pdf icon PDF 54 KB


That Cabinet approve the Housing Capital Programme on the basis set out in the report.


A report was considered seeking Cabinet approval of the proposed 2013/14 Housing Capital Programme, taking into account the views of the Economic Development and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


The Council considered the Housing Capital Programme every year to ensure the Council’s housing investment priorities were up to date. With limited funding available from national funding streams it was appropriate for the Council to continue using the New Homes Bonus for housing purposes. The report outlined the key options for housing investment in the forthcoming year on the proposed housing programme to deliver the Council’s strategic housing priorities and to support the Council’s most vulnerable residents.


The Council had a housing capital programme to deliver the Council’s priorities as set out in the Housing Strategy and associated Housing Renewal Assistance Policy, Energy Efficiency and Climate Change Strategy and Empty Homes Strategy. The current 2012/13 programme was funded by the New Homes Bonus and central government grant to support Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs).


The Portfolio Holder for Safer Communities was pleased with the contents of the report, in particular with the funding for DFGs, where extra funding had been received from central government and this funding was being used for its intended purpose. It was a statutory duty to provide DFGs and demand for the grants was increasing. The Portfolio Holder for Stronger and Active Neighbourhoods considered the funding was important for all residents. In particular, the Accredited Landlord Scheme funding was important as there were landlords waiting to sign up. The funding for the Accredited Landlords Scheme came from the Affordable Housing Fund and the scheme had been very successful.


The Portfolio Holder for Safer Communities questioned whether large institutions such as Keele University could be asked if they would be willing to make a contribution to the Accredited Landlords Scheme. They would benefit from the improvements to the Borough that the scheme produced, such as making the Borough a more attractive place for prospective students. The Executive Director, Regeneration and Development noted that universities had their own arrangements, with Keele University having extensive on campus accommodation. It may be that they would sign up for the ‘spirit’ of the scheme. The Executive Director, Regeneration and Development would ask the question of Keele University about financially supporting the scheme.


The Leader considered that the Council should not be complacent as additional need would grow. Part of the solution would be to help with affordable housing.


RESOLVED:                        That Cabinet approve the Housing Capital Programme on the basis set out in the report.