Issue - meetings

Implementing Street Market Improvements - Impact Upon Town Centre Trees

Meeting: 12/12/2012 - Cabinet (Item 19)

19 Implementing Street Market Improvements pdf icon PDF 60 KB

Additional documents:


(a)        That approval be given for the removal and re-provision of trees to facilitate delivery of the Town Centre Market improvements.


(b)               That Cabinet authorise officers to prepare and submit a planning application for the proposed new market stalls.


(c)        That a timetable be provided regarding the plan.




Cabinet received a report to seek Members’ approval for key actions to facilitate delivery of the town centre public realm and market refurbishment project, including removal and replacement of trees in High Street and Hassell Street taking account of the Economic Development and Enterprise Scrutiny Committee’s recommendations. 


The Portfolio Holder for Planning, Regeneration and Town Centres stated that he hoped the plan would be completed in the next few months. Concerns had been raised regarding littering but plans were in place for stall holders to keep this under control.


The report had been discussed by the Economic and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Chair was in attendance at the meeting to provide feedback to Cabinet Members. The Chair highlighted the concerns of the Committee which were listed on page 48 of the report and requested that an update be brought back to the Committee in 12 months.  Cabinet thanked the Scrutiny Committee for its work on the topic.


The Portfolio Holder for Stronger and Active Neighbourhoods stated that the project had taken too long to get underway and that it was essential to also encourage culture and the arts into the Town Centre in the form of street theatre and live music. Assurance was requested that space would be made available for this. It was agreed that the project had taken longer than expected and assurance was given that space would be made available for the arts. The Portfolio Holder for Planning Regeneration and Town Centres agreed that a timetable would be provided for Members.


RESOLVED:               (a)        That approval be given for the removal and re-provision of trees to facilitate delivery of the Town Centre Market improvements.


(b)               That Cabinet authorise officers to prepare and submit a planning application for the proposed new market stalls.


(c)        That a timetable be provided regarding the plan.