Issue - meetings

Quarter 1 Performance Report

Meeting: 19/09/2012 - Cabinet (Item 3)

3 Financial and Performance Management Report to the End of Quarter One (June) 2012 pdf icon PDF 39 KB

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(a)       That Members note the contents of the report and recommend that the Council continues to monitor and scrutinise performance alongside finances.


(b)       That Members note that the appendix to the report is an interim performance report that is to be further developed as detailed in the Performance Management Framework Review and that the intention is to report performance information in a new format as the work is progressed in each subsequent quarter.


Consideration was given to a report providing a detailed up-date on the Council’s performance during the first quarter of 2012/13 by presenting data in a financial context and focusing on key performance indicators.


A summary of the overall position with regard to the Revenue Budget and Capital Programme was set out in the report and the Portfolio Holder explained that the adverse variance of £19,000 in the Revenue Budget was largely due to a fall in income from litter fines, burials and cremations and from Jubilee 2.


Although some positive performance was in evidence across a range of services Members were reminded that the results later in the year could be different with some services having seasonal factors.  The proportion of indicators which had met their targets, based on available data, was 85%.


It was indicated that the Capital Programme would require regular monitoring to identify any projects that were falling behind their planned completion dates.


Members felt that some consideration should be given to the preparation of an Action Plan to address falling attendancies at The Borough Museum and Art Gallery and other recreational and leisure facilities in the Borough.


In conclusion it was indicated that with regard to the Council’s frozen investment in Heritable Bank, the amount repaid to date amounted to £1,869,521 (74% of the total that was frozen).  The Administrators currently predicted that at least 90% of the £2,500.000 originally invested would be re-paid.


Resolved:  (a) That Members note the contents of the report and recommend that the Council continues to monitor and scrutinise performance alongside finances.


                    (b)That Members note that the appendix to the report is an interim performance report that is to be further developed as detailed in the Performance Management Framework Review and that the intention is to report performance information in a new format as the work is progressed in each subsequent year.