Issue - meetings

Stronger and Safer Strategy 2012-2017

Meeting: 14/11/2012 - Cabinet (Item 4)

4 Stronger and Safer Communities Strategy 2012 - 2017 pdf icon PDF 36 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That Cabinet notes the contents of the Strategy.


(b)       That Cabinet approves the Strategy and requests that it is made available throughout the Borough via the Council website and also in hard copy format where necessary.



A report was submitted to provide Cabinet with the latest draft of the Stronger and Safer Communities Strategy 2012-2017.


A version of the report had been presented to the Cleaner, Greener and Safer Communities Overview & Scrutiny Committee on 5th October 2012, following previous presentations of the Strategy at the Scrutiny Committee in February 2012 and at Cabinet in March 2012. The document had also been out for public consultation between May and August 2012, and had been amended as a result


The Portfolio Holder for Safer Communities stated that the new strategy would seek to focus on practical outcomes and that key areas for prioritisation had been reduced from 21 to 2 areas which dealt with economic growth and vulnerable individuals.  The Strategy would take a multi agency partnership approach working towards a Cooperative Council and Community driven services. The Strategy also sought to incorporate responses to the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act and the Localism Act and would not be dependant upon external funding.


Resolved:     (a)       That Cabinet notes the contents of the Strategy.


(b)       That Cabinet approves the Strategy and requests that it is made available throughout the Borough via the Council website and also in hard copy format where necessary.