Issue - meetings

Staffordshire Strategic Property Review

Meeting: 16/01/2013 - Cabinet (Item 14)

14 Staffordshire Strategic Property Review pdf icon PDF 60 KB


That Cabinet approve that the Staffordshire Strategic Property Review report be accepted and that the programme and project management arrangements established regarding the opportunities within the borough are noted.


A report was received for Cabinet to review the Staffordshire Strategic Property Review report and consider the implications for the Borough Council and local stakeholders.


One of the primary aims of the review was the identification of specific rationalisation opportunities. The three that were indentified within Newcastle Borough were: (a) the rationalisation of the office estate within the Newcastle area; (b) Newcastle Town Centre redevelopment (the former Sainsburys and the civic offices) and; (c) Knutton urban village site (site of former Knutton Recreation Centre and adjacent land/buildings). All three rationalisation opportunities identified would involve working with Staffordshire County Council.


The Leader and Portfolio Holder for Safer Communities had met with the new Police and Crime Commissioner and discussed greater multi-agency working. The Police and Crime Commissioner would be visiting to see what had already been done. Co-location with partners in Kidsgrove Town Hall and the Civic Offices had already been implemented, and in particular, it was considered that the co-location of partners in Kidsgrove Town Hall was working brilliantly. Members of the public spoke to one reception group and were directed around the building in a clear and swift process, which should be applauded. The Portfolio Holders for Finance and Budget Management and Regeneration, Planning and Town Centres Development would ensure the positive feedback was passed on.


The Portfolio Holder for Safer Communities considered that going forward, there should not be co-location just to cut costs, but that there should be a coherent, joined up approach to co-location with tangible benefits. The Leader concurred that by being a cooperative Council, this meant working together for the greater good. 


RESOLVED:                        That Cabinet approve that the Staffordshire Strategic Property Review report be accepted and that the programme and project management arrangements established regarding the opportunities within the borough are noted.