Issue - meetings

Capital Strategy 2013/14

Meeting: 16/01/2013 - Cabinet (Item 12)

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That Cabinet approve the Capital Strategy 2013-16 and that the Capital Strategy 2013-16 be forwarded to Council with a recommendation for approval.




A report was submitted to Cabinet to consider the Capital Strategy 2013-16. The Capital Strategy sets out how the Council proposes to deploy its capital resources in order to assist it to achieve its corporate and service objectives. It takes into account other relevant Council strategies, policies and plans and the views of partners and stakeholders with whom the Council was involved. It also takes account of the resources which are likely to be available to the Council to fund capital investment and the effect of that investment on the Council’s revenue budget. It would serve as a useful point of reference when determining or reviewing the Council’s Capital Programme.


The Capital Strategy 2013-16 was considered by the Transformation and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 10 December 2012 and any suggestions or changes made by the Committee had been incorporated into the strategy.


RESOLVED:                        That Cabinet approve the Capital Strategy 2013-16 and that the Capital Strategy 2013-16 be forwarded to Council with a recommendation for approval.