Issue - meetings

Developing the Town Centre Partnership with support for the Portas Pilot application and a Town Centre Manager

Meeting: 18/07/2012 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 Developing the Town Centre Partnership with support for the Portas Pilot application and a Town Centre Manager pdf icon PDF 48 KB


a)         That Members agree to support the emergent Town Centre Partnership with the allocation of £30,000 in the current financial year for the recruitment of a Town Centres Manager and £5,000 to support the establishment of a website, both from the re-allocation of existing budgets.


(b)        That Members agree to the short term secondment of the current Business Development Officer on a 0.5 FTE basis to support the business community with town centres development activities / initiatives.


(c)        That officers be authorised to proceed with the formal establishment of the town centre partnership based around a Community Interest Company model (or similar entity), including the appointment of Directors, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Planning and Town Centres.


(d)        That Members agree to the continued provision of in-kind support to the town centre partnership to assist with the following activities:


(i)         Recruitment of a town centres manager;

(ii)        Formalisation of the town centre partnership;

(iii)       Preparation of an action plan for at least the next 12 months and;

(iv)       Exploration of options for establishing a sustainable funding model for the TCP.


(e)        That Members note the plans included in the revised submitted Portas pilot application.




Cabinet received a report to update it on progress with the setting up of a town centre partnership for Newcastle-under-Lyme town centre. To outline proposals for continuing support from the Council, specifically a proposal for the Partnership to have a Town Centres Manager.  The report also provided an update to members on progress made with developing plans for supporting the development of the town centre which formed the basis of the revised submitted Portas Pilot bid.


The Leader brought Members attention to paragraph 4.6 of the report which highlighted that where appropriate and possible, some of the initiatives would be replicated in Kidsgrove Town Centre and that it could be appropriate to work alongside the Town Council and LAP in order to secure complimentary support.


Resolved:      a)         That Members agree to support the emergent Town Centre Partnership with the allocation of £30,000 in the current financial year for the recruitment of a Town Centres Manager and £5,000 to support the establishment of a website, both from the re-allocation of existing budgets.


(b)        That Members agree to the short term secondment of the current Business Development Officer on a 0.5 FTE basis to support the business community with town centres development activities / initiatives.


(c)        That officers be authorised to proceed with the formal establishment of the town centre partnership based around a Community Interest Company model (or similar entity), including the appointment of Directors, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Planning and Town Centres.


(d)        That Members agree to the continued provision of in-kind support to the town centre partnership to assist with the following activities:


(i)         Recruitment of a town centres manager;

(ii)        Formalisation of the town centre partnership;

(iii)       Preparation of an action plan for at least the next 12 months and;

(iv)       Exploration of options for establishing a sustainable funding model for the TCP.


(e)        That Members note the plans included in the revised submitted Portas pilot application.