Issue - meetings

Bedding Plant Supply and Weed Control Contract Procurement

Meeting: 19/09/2012 - Cabinet (Item 12)

12 Supply of Spring and Summer Bedding Plants and Weed Control Contracts pdf icon PDF 40 KB


(a)       That Cabinet authorises the Head of Operations to seek tenders for the supply of spring and summer bedding plants for a 5-year period commencing in December 2013, and following consultation with the Portfolio Holder, to accept the most economically advantageous tender within the existing budget provision.


(b)       That Cabinet authorises the Head of Operations to undertake an appropriate procurement exercise for the supply of summer bedding plants for summer 2013 and spring 2014 only, following the decision of the current contractor who will be unable to meet the Council’s requirement for the period.


(c)        That Cabinet authorises the Head of Operations to seek tenders for the Weed Control Contract for a 5-year period commencing April 2013 and, following consultation with the Portfolio Holder, to accept the most economically advantageous tender within the existing budget provision.


(d)       That simultaneously to (c) above, the Head of Operations explore the possibility of delivering the Weed Control Work using the Council’s Streetscene Business Unit and, following consultation with the Portfolio Holder, set up necessary arrangements to implement the work if cost effective to do so.


(e)       That if the action outlined in resolution (d) above proves to be the best option for the Council, the procurement exercise for the Weed Control Contract set out in resolution (c) above be cancelled.


(f)         That in the circumstances that the organisation currently having the contract for summer bedding plants is closing down its operation, the officers be authorised to take appropriate action to recover any outstanding monies relating to the remaining period of the contract from them.


(g)       That the Officers be asked to draw up options for the engagement of community groups/schools in smaller planting schemes at suitable locations across the Borough.



Consideration was given to a report outlining the position with regard to the existing contracts for the supply of spring and summer bedding plants and weed control and options for the future procurement of the contracts to March and November respectively through a competitive tendering process.


For the reasons outlined in the officer’s report it was also proposed to undertake an appropriate procurement exercise for the supply of replacement bedding plants for summer 2013 and 2014 only to take account of that part of the existing contract that was not now to be completed by the original contractor, Stoke-on-Trent City Council.


In addition to the above tendering procedure it was simultaneously proposed to explore the feasibility of weed control work being undertaken by the Council’s Streetscene Business Unit and, if it proved beneficial, to set up the necessary arrangement to implement the work starting in April 2013.


Resolved: (a)        That Cabinet authorises the Head of Operations to seek tenders for the supply of spring and summer bedding plants for a 5-year period commencing in December 2013, and following consultation with the Portfolio Holder, to accept the most economically advantageous tender within the existing budget provision.


                   (b)    That Cabinet authorises the Head of Operations to undertake an appropriate procurement exercise for the supply of summer bedding plants for summer 2013 and spring 2014 only, following the decision of the current contractor who will be unable to meet the Council’s requirement for the period.


                  (c)  That Cabinet authorises the Head of Operations to seek tenders for the Weed Control Contract for a 5-year period commencing April 2013 and, following consultation with the Portfolio Holder, to accept the most economically advantageous tender within the existing budget provision.


(d)       That simultaneously to (c) above, the Head of Operations explore the possibility of delivering the Weed Control Work using the Council’s Streetscene Business Unit and, following consultation with the Portfolio Holder, set up necessary arrangements to implement the work if cost effective to do so.


(e)       That if the action outlined in resolution (d) above proves to be the best option for the Council, the procurement exercise for the Weed Control Contract set out in resolution (c) above be cancelled.


(f)         That in the circumstances that the contractor currently having the contract for summer bedding plants is closing down its operation, the officers be authorised to take appropriate action to recover any outstanding monies relating to the remaining period of the contract from them.


(g)       That the Officers be asked to draw up options for the engagement of community groups/schools in smaller planting schemes at suitable locations across the Borough.