Issue - meetings

Site Allocations and Policies Development Plan Document (DPD) Draft Consultation Issues and Options Report

Meeting: 18/07/2012 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Site Allocations and Policies Development Plan Document (DPD) Draft Consultation Issues and Options Report pdf icon PDF 87 KB

Additional documents:


a)      That Cabinet agree to rename the Site Allocations and Policies Development Plan Document as the Site Allocations and Policies Local Plan


b)      That Cabinet agree to approve the Site Allocations and Policies Local Plan Draft Issues and Options Paper set out in Appendix A, as amended to exclude the 7 Newcastle Development Programme (NDP) sites referred to in the previous item, and to give  authority to officers to make minor drafting and editorial corrections to the Paper, in consultation with the Planning, Regeneration and Town Centres Portfolio holder


c)      That Cabinet agree to the draft consultation arrangements set out in Appendix B, subject to any revised arrangements being made by officers in consultation with the Planning, Regeneration and Town Centres Portfolio holder


d)      That Cabinet agree to receive a future report setting out the recommendations of the Planning Committee on the results of the first stage of public consultation with a view to approving the next steps



A supplementary report was submitted stating that:


Should Cabinet resolve not to proceed with any plans to dispose of the seven NDP sites then reference to the sites would be removed from the SHLAA on the basis that as the sites are no longer available they cannot be regarded as “developable”.’


Members confirmed that consultation would continue on the remaining sites and all processes would be kept open and transparent and all members of the public would have the opportunity to become involved in the consultation process. The Portfolio Holder for safer Communities reinforced that all consultation would be open and transparent and that feedback from the Communities and residents was essential for the process to be successful.


The Leader confirmed that he would attend all of the pubic consultation meetings along with the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Regeneration and Town Centres. The Leader also thanked Cllr Loades for his work with the Scrutiny Group.


A representation had also now been received from Madeley Conservation Group who stated that they, and they understood, Madeley Parish Council, wished to express the utmost concern at the totally undemocratic proposal to eliminate seven sites in the urban area before all the remainder were considered. This would evidently put more pressure on the remaining sites, which should all be considered on their merits.


As no communication had been received directly from Madeley Parish Council officers had spoken to the Clerk who had confirmed that his Council had not formally adopted a position in this matter.


As Cabinet had resolved (with respect to the preceding item No. 6) that the Council not proceed with any plans to dispose of the 7 sites referred to in the report on that item, and advised the Local Planning Authority to remove these sites from the SHLAA, the following revised recommendations were resolved:


a)      That Cabinet agree to rename the Site Allocations and Policies Development Plan Document as the Site Allocations and Policies Local Plan


b)      That Cabinet agree to approve the Site Allocations and Policies Local Plan Draft Issues and Options Paper set out in Appendix A, as amended to exclude the 7 Newcastle Development Programme (NDP) sites referred to in the previous item, and to give  authority to officers to make minor drafting and editorial corrections to the Paper, in consultation with the Planning, Regeneration and Town Centres Portfolio holder


c)      That Cabinet agree to the draft consultation arrangements set out in Appendix B, subject to any revised arrangements being made by officers in consultation with the Planning, Regeneration and Town Centres Portfolio holder


d)      That Cabinet agree to receive a future report setting out the recommendations of the Planning Committee on the results of the first stage of public consultation with a view to approving the next steps