Issue - meetings


Meeting: 09/01/2025 - Cabinet (Item 6)



(i)               That the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder be authorised to sign any such agreements as may be necessary to complete the refurbishment of Navigation House for its use as a Homeless Hub and accommodation.


(ii)              That an amendment to the Housing Assistance Policy to include discretionary applications for creating ‘accessible’ supported housing provision for disabled people in housing need, be authorised.


(iii)            That the allocation of  funding as set out in the report, be authorised.



The Portfolio Holder for Community Safety and Wellbeing introduced the report on the procurement of a contractor for the refurbishment of the Navigation House as a homeless hub and accommodation.  The Portfolio Holder outlined what Navigation House would provide and also the benefits to the wider community.


The Leader commented on the aspiration to eliminate homelessness by 2025.  That had been a commitment by the previous Government but no such commitment had come from the present Government.


The Deputy Leader referred Members to paragraph 8.4 of the report which outlined the various funding streams.  He fully supported this, stating that it was a really strong initiative.


The Leader stated that this Council, over many years, had a proud record of homelessness and getting people off the streets.


Resolved:    (i) That the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder be authorised to sign any such agreements as may be necessary to complete the refurbishment of Navigation House for its use as a Homeless Hub and accommodation.


(ii) That an amendment to the Housing Assistance Policy to include discretionary applications for creating ‘accessible’ supported housing provision for disabled people in housing need, be authorised.


(iii) That the allocation of funding as set out in the report, be authorised.


Watch the debate here