Issue - meetings


Meeting: 09/01/2025 - Cabinet (Item 4)


Additional documents:


(i)                   That the progress on the completion of the Revenue (Appendix 1) and Capital Budgets (Appendix 4) be noted.


(ii)                 That the updated Medium Term Financial Strategy 2025/26 to 2029/30 (Appendix 2) be noted.


(iii)                That the strategy for ensuring a balanced revenue outturn position for 2024/25 be noted.


(iv)                That the calculation of the Council Tax base and the Council Tax increase to be proposed for 2025/26 of 1.99% per Band D equivalent property be noted.


(v)                 That the risk assessment at Appendix 3 and the Section 151 Officer’s recommendation on the level of reserves and contingencies provisionally required to be maintained in 2025/26 be noted.


(vi)                That the draft Capital Strategy (Appendix 5) for 2025/35 be noted.


(vii)              That the draft Treasury Management Strategy (Appendix 6) for 2025/26 be noted.


(viii)             That the draft Investment Strategy (Appendix 7) for 2025/26 be noted.


(ix)                That the draft Commercial Strategy (Appendix 8) for 2025/26 be noted.


(x)                 That the Asset Management Strategy (Appendix 9) for 2023/28 be noted.


(xi)                That the draft Budget and Council Tax proposals be referred to Finance, Assets and   Performance Scrutiny Committee for comment before the final proposals are considered at Cabinet on 4 February 2025.



The Deputy Leader introduced the Draft Revenue and Capital Budgets and Strategies 2025/26, highlighting on the fact this was prepared by local people for residents of the borough.


The Leader commented that the budget would be submitted to the Finance, Administration and Performance Scrutiny Committee, then back to Cabinet and finally to Full Council in February. The focus was on the regeneration of the town centre and investment in front line services and leisure.


Cllr Hutchison gave some insights from the Efficiency Board and said savings had been achieved with improved facilities and no redundancies.


Cllr Fear shared his enthusiasm about the budget and the fact the Council had managed to deliver on keeping the Council tax low and maintaining services.


Cllr Skelding also showed support to the budget and report.


Members expressed concerns about the Devolution White Paper, which would be discussed under item 11 as urgent business.


Resolved:    (i) That the progress on the completion of the Revenue (Appendix 1) and Capital Budgets (Appendix 4) be noted.


(ii) That the updated Medium Term Financial Strategy 2025/26 to 2029/30 (Appendix 2) be noted.


(iii) That the strategy for ensuring a balanced revenue outturn position for 2024/25 be noted.


(iv) That the calculation of the Council Tax base and the Council Tax increase to be proposed for 2025/26 of 1.99% per Band D equivalent property be noted.


(v) That the risk assessment at Appendix 3 and the Section 151 Officer’s recommendation on the level of reserves and contingencies provisionally required to be maintained in 2025/26 be noted.


(vi) That the draft Capital Strategy (Appendix 5) for 2025/35 be noted.


(vii) That the draft Treasury Management Strategy (Appendix 6) for 2025/26 be noted.


(viii) That the draft Investment Strategy (Appendix 7) for 2025/26 be noted.


(ix) That the draft Commercial Strategy (Appendix 8) for 2025/26 be noted.


(x) That the Asset Management Strategy (Appendix 9) for 2023/28 be noted.


(xi) That the draft Budget and Council Tax proposals be referred to Finance, Assets and Performance Scrutiny Committee for comment before the final proposals are considered at Cabinet on 4 February 2025.


Watch the debate here