Issue - meetings

Stronger and Safer Communities Strategy 2012-2017

Meeting: 14/03/2012 - Cabinet (Item 13)

13 Stronger and Safer Communities Strategy 2012-2017 pdf icon PDF 35 KB

Additional documents:


(a)        That the contents of the Strategy and the comments received from the Cleaner, Greener and Safer Overview & Scrutiny Committee be noted.


(b)        That the list of Key Measure for Success on page 7 of the Appendix be made more clear and benchmarks added.


(c)        That the Strategy be circulated to partners and communities and that updates on the Strategy’s development be brought to future meetings of the Cabinet.



A report was submitted providing Cabinet with a draft of the Stronger and Safer Communities Strategy 2012-2017.  The Strategy had been developed in line with the other key Borough Council strategies on Economic Development and Health and Well-Being.  A version of the report had been presented to the Cleaner, Greener and Safer Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 29 February 2012. 


The Strategy provided the main framework for the work being done by the Borough Council in conjunction with its partners, communities and other key stakeholders in seeking to develop stronger and safer communities in the Borough and beyond.


The Strategy brought together previously disparate areas of work and provided a common basis for future work programmes as well as a set of key indicators and outcomes which those projects listed in the Strategy sought to deliver.


Members stated that the performance indicators listed on page 7 of Appendix A could be made clearer and that some benchmarks were required.


RESOLVED:               (a)        That the contents of the Strategy and the comments received from the Cleaner, Greener and Safer Overview & Scrutiny Committee be noted.


(b)        That the list of Key Measure for Success on page 7 of the Appendix be made more clear and benchmarks added.


(c)        That the Strategy be circulated to partners and communities and that updates on the Strategy’s development be brought to future meetings of the Cabinet.