Issue - meetings

Financial and Performance Management Report to End of Quarter Three (Dec) 2011

Meeting: 14/03/2012 - Cabinet (Item 11)

11 Financial and Performance Management Report to End of Quarter Three (Dec) 2011 pdf icon PDF 42 KB

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That the content of the report be noted and it be recommended that the Council continue to monitor and scrutinise performance alongside finances.


A report was submitted providing Members with the Financial and Performance Review for the 2011/12 Third Quarter.


The Portfolio Holder for Customer Services and Transformation stated that the Customer Services Department would shortly be reassessed regarding the Customer Services Excellence Award it had achieved in the previous year. There was no guarantee that this award would be re awarded but Members and Officers were certain that more improvements had been made.


The Portfolio holder for Regeneration and Planning applauded the work done by the Newcastle Housing Association Team which was evidenced by all targets having been met.


Section 4.2 of the report referred to the Council’s frozen investment in Heritable Bank, the Portfolio holder stated that the Council would be reimbursed at least 90% of the money invested. It was also stated that the variance of 0.3% was also a good achievement even thought the target showed as 0%.


The target listed under ER5 which referred to pollution inspections had been below target due to staff shortages and ER6 had suffered over the Christmas period with business preferring not to be inspected over the festive period. The Portfolio Holder the Environment and Recycling stated that both of these issues had now been resolved and the targets were now improving.


The Portfolio holder for Culture and Active Communities stated that CA1 was currently showing under target but that this was due to the transitional period between the closures of Jubilee 1 and Knutton Recreation Centre and the opening of the new Jubilee 2 Centre.


Resolved:     That the content of the report be noted and it be recommended that the Council continue to monitor and scrutinise performance alongside finances.