Issue - meetings


Meeting: 06/06/2023 - Cabinet (Item 8)


Links to all appendices are contained within the report.


(i)       That the draft Local Plan be approved for consultation purposes.


(ii)     That the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning, be given delegated authority to:


(1)   publish the First Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) along with its Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment, for public consultation, and publish the range of supporting evidence base for the Local Plan and,


(2)   to finalise the public consultation arrangements and all documentation for the First Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18)


(3)   undertake any minor corrections and adjustments to the consultation documents as may be required


(iii)                That a period of eight weeks consultation commencing on the19th June 2023 until the 14th of August 2023, be approved on the First Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) along with the Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment.


(iv)                That a report be received at a future meeting summarising the findings of the consultation process.


(v)                 That it be noted that this report will be considered at the Economy and Place Scrutiny Committee on the 8th June 2023 and that an all Member Briefing Session will be provided on the 15th June 2023.



The Portfolio Holder for Strategic Planning introduced report giving an update on the progress made with the draft Local Plan and seeking approval for an eight week public consultation.


This was a consultation exercise where the Council was putting out its suggestions and was looking for further suggestions and comments upon those made by the Council.  The Portfolio Holder stated that the Plan was as much about protecting the Borough as building within it.  Seven public consultation events had been scheduled and all comments upon the Plan would be accepted.  The item would be discussed by the Economy and Place Scrutiny Committee this week and there would be a briefing for all Members.


The Leader stated that the Council had not had a relevant Local Plan since before 2012.  The Local Plan would protect the local area and set out a framework for development up to 2040.   This would be the greenest Local Plan that this Council had ever brought forward, controlling development and giving an offset of biodiversity and nature and the latest sustainable development policies.


Councillor Dave Jones asked for an update on how the changes to the legislation regarding housing targets, which had moved from a statutory minimum to an advisory minimum had been considered post consultation on the earlier stages of the Local Plan.  The Portfolio Holder for Strategic Planning referred to paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 of the report.  At the time the report was written there had not been a final announcement on this subject – the consultation through the National Planning Policy Framework, so it was still unclear what the Government wanted to do or when they would respond to the consultation exercise.


Resolved:     (i)         That the draft Local Plan be approved for consultation



(ii)           That the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning, be given delegated authority to:


(1)           publish the First Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) along

with its Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment, for public consultation, and publish the range of supporting evidence base for the Local Plan and,


(2)           to finalise the public consultation arrangements and all

documentation for the First Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18)


(3)           undertake any minor corrections and adjustments to

the consultation documents as may be required


(iii)          That a period of eight weeks consultation commencing on the19th June 2023 until the 14th of August 2023, be approved on the First Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) along with the Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment.


(iv)          That a report be received at a future meeting summarising the findings of the consultation process.


(v)           That it be noted that this report will be considered at the Economy and Place Scrutiny Committee on the 8th June 2023 and that an all Member Briefing Session will be provided on the 15th June 2023.


Watch the debate here