Additional documents:
That the contents of the update report be noted.
The Leader introduced a report updating Cabinet on the latest position regarding Walleys Quarry including Key Performance Indicators provided by the operator.
Complaints remained down on historical levels although there had been an increase in April and May. Figures for June suggested that complaint levels were going back down.
The Leader assured that the Council was doing all that it could to ensure emissions were kept at low levels.
Officers were asked if the Council had communicated its concerns, in regard to April and May, with the operators. It was confirmed that concerns had been raised about the rise in complaints during those two months and the operators had been asked to attend the next meeting of Cabinet to explain their findings for the increase.
It was asked if the Council felt that it was still getting the same cooperation and communication that was agreed upon a few months ago. Confirmation was given that there was good communication with the operator at a variety of levels.
The Leader advised that the Environment Agency (EA), as the regulator, had the powers to suspend, restrict, issue closure notices and instruct on required works. The Council had an agreement through legal powers, via the Abatement Notice and residents were assured that this was still a major priority for the Council. The Leader had asked for a meeting to be arranged with the EA, Police, Staffordshire County Council, Fire Service, Local MP to take place which would give the opportunity for the EA to update everyone on what they were doing.
Resolved: That the contents of the update report be noted.