To receive a statement by the Leader of the Council on the activities and decisions of Cabinet and items included on the Forward Plan.
Additional documents:
The Leader presented the statement that had been circulated about the activities and decisions made by Cabinet to allow questions and comments.
The Leader provided a verbal update on two items: national judging for Britain in Bloom would take place on 27th July at Castle House and there had been a large incursion of travellers on Wolstanton Marsh; the Council had obtained the Section 78 order and they had been moved off the site in the evening.
The Leader thanked the local Newcastle LPT Police Commander for his proactive approach to the removal of travellers.
Questions were raised and responses were provided as follows.
On paragraph 2 – Walleys Quarry Odour Issues
Councillor Adcock advised that there had been good feedback on the Community Engagement event held at the Fire Station and asked the Leader if he would support another such event, should there be demand for it.
The Leader stated that he would support such an event and hoped the Environment Agency would arrange another in the community soon.
On paragraph 3 – Town deal and Future High Street Fund
Councillor Brockie asked for assurance that the scale and appropriateness of developments in the town centre would remain under active review.
Councillor John Williams asked for assurance that the Ryecroft site would be designed and built to complement the existing town centre.
The Leader stated that there was a blueprint for the development that had been to Cabinet, part of which was about having a good standard of design on the sites which would complement existing buildings and any other buildings on the Ryecroft.
Councillor Williams also asked if the proposed Wammy Changing Rooms could be used for other sporting activities in the area.
Councillor Parker asked the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Town Centres and Growth how the relocation of the remaining York Place tenants was progressing.
Councillor Sweeney stated that there were two tenants still on there, the Cooperative Bank and Specsavers, both were scheduled to vacate by Christmas and would be remaining in the town centre.
Councillor Paul Waring made reference to the Shared Services Hub which would improve Kidsgrove Town Centre.
Councillor Gorton asked the Leader for reassurance that the Philip Astley Centre would not be a stand-alone body but would work with the Museum, Newcastle College and other performing arts groups.
Councillor Gorton also asked the Leader if he would impress upon the team who take the project forward that collaboration, particularly with overseas links, would be essential to its success.
The Leader stated that Andrew Van-Buren was part of the steering group for the project and he did have links overseas, particularly in Monaco and with Newcastle College.
Councillor Fox-Hewitt asked if he was correct in his understanding that the amount spent on the performing arts centre had increased by £100,000.
The Leader confirmed that there was no increase in spending.
On paragraph 4 – Sustainable Environment Update:
Councillor Panter asked the Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Environment for the progress in the Council’s ... view the full minutes text for item 8