Issue - meetings


Meeting: 13/01/2021 - Cabinet (Item 9)


This item includes a supplementary report.


(a) That the Council withdraws from the preparation of a Joint Local Plan with Stoke on Trent City Council.

(b) Work be commenced on the development of a Borough Local Plan, under the stewardship of a Member Steering Group chaired by the Leader of the Council or the relevant Portfolio Holder.

(c) Provision be made in the Medium Term Financial Plan for the costs associated with delivering a Borough Local Plan amounting to £550,000 over the period 2021-23. 


Cabinet considered a report on options for staying with, or separating from, Stoke on Trent Council on the development of a Joint Local Plan.  Cabinet on 9th December had agreed to commence work on the option of a Borough Local Plan.  Since that meeting engagement and consultation had taken place with various stakeholders and residents; and Lichfields Planning Consultancy had been engaged to carry out a review of options and issues. 


Lichfields had produced a report on the key issues which summarised that a joint plan added complexity which caused delay so a Borough Plan should be able to progress more rapidly.  They emphasised the importance of reviewing the evidence base to enable identification of those elements that could be re-used for a Borough plan.  They referred to the Duty to Co-operate to ensure separation of the two plans.  Lichfields advised that a Borough Plan would need to address the historic issue of housing provision.  They had outlined an indicative timetable which would see adoption in early 2023, which was seen as achievable for a Borough Plan. 


The consultation showed residents support for a Borough Plan.  Those representatives of the business community who responded were in favour of continuing with a joint Plan, mainly to avoid delay to the process.  However, Lichfields felt a Borough Plan could be delivered within the timeframe.  Consultees also referred to the Green Belt as an important issue for the Local Plan.


Cabinet discussed the report and the need for a Local Plan to be progressed to protect the Borough from development proposals.  Members felt a Borough Plan would be more focused on the needs of the Borough and would take account of recent issues such as Brexit, Covid and the Planning White Paper ‘Planning for the Future’.  The Planning Committee had considered the Local Plan on 12th January and had supported the proposal for a Borough Plan.


Resolved: that


(a) The Council withdraws from the preparation of a Joint Local Plan with Stoke on Trent City Council.

(b) Work be commenced on the development of a Borough Local Plan, under the stewardship of a Member Steering Group chaired by the Leader of the Council or the relevant Portfolio Holder.

(c) Provision be made in the Medium Term Financial Plan for the costs associated with delivering a Borough Local Plan amounting to £550,000 over the period 2021-23.