Issue - meetings


Meeting: 13/01/2021 - Cabinet (Item 8)



(a) That the Cabinet notes the draft submission for the Newcastle Town Deal Investment Plan and grants authorisation to the Deputy Leader, Councillor Stephen Sweeney, to use his vote on the Town Deal Board in support of the Plan at the appropriate time.

(b) That Officers be authorised to continue working with the Town Deal Board and other organisations as necessary to progress development and delivery of projects in the Newcastle Town Deal Investment Plan in readiness for submission to MHCLG and upon confirmation of the grant.

(c) That the multi-disciplinary officer group established to support delivery of the Advance Town Deal Projects continues this role to support delivery of the Newcastle Town Investment Plan.

(d) That the Executive Director Commercial Development and Economic Growth, in consultation with the Section 151 Officer and the Portfolio Holder Corporate and Service Improvement. People and Partnerships are authorised to pursue delivery of the Newcastle Town Investment Plan.



Cabinet considered an update on the work to produce a Town Investment Plan for the Newcastle Town Deal area.  The Council had set up a Town Deal Board with membership from the public, private and voluntary sectors.  A consultation process had been undertaken with a wide range of stakeholders.  This lead to priority projects within 4 strategic objectives:


-       Objective 1: Digital – this would include digital infrastructure developments.

-       Objective 2: Transport – this would include sustainable bus services; improved pedestrian and cycle access to Newcastle Town Centre; and electric vehicle charging points.

-       Object 3: development of key sites – including sites in the Knutton Masterplan and Chesterton Cross Street development.

-       Objective 4: Culture – development of The Astley International Centre for Performing Arts.


Resolved: That


(a) Cabinet notes the draft submission for the Newcastle Town Deal Investment Plan and grants authorisation to the Deputy Leader, Councillor Stephen Sweeney, to use his vote on the Town Deal Board in support of the Plan at the appropriate time.

(b) Officers be authorised to continue working with the Town Deal Board and other organisations as necessary to progress development and delivery of projects in the Newcastle Town Deal Investment Plan in readiness for submission to MHCLG and upon confirmation of the grant.

(c) The multi-disciplinary officer group established to support delivery of the Advance Town Deal Projects continues this role to support delivery of the Newcastle Town Investment Plan.

(d) The Executive Director Commercial Development and Economic Growth, in consultation with the Section 151 Officer and the Portfolio Holder Corporate and Service Improvement. People and Partnerships are authorised to pursue delivery of the Newcastle Town Investment Plan.