Issue - meetings


Meeting: 11/11/2020 - Cabinet (Item 44)


Additional documents:



1.The Knutton Masterplan be approved in principle for public consultation and the result of that consultation be reported back for Cabinet’s consideration;

2. Opportunities be explored and taken to pursue funding through the Government’s Town Deal programme for Newcastle to provide some of the resources necessary to deliver some of the investment proposals contained in the Knutton Masterplan.;

3. When the outcome of the Newcastle Town Deal submission is known and therefore the fuller financial implications of delivering the Knutton masterplan are clearer, a more complete report is brought to Cabinet;

4. A Project Board be established to take forward the masterplan and any subsequent delivery plan, with membership including Newcastle Borough Council, Aspire Housing and Staffordshire County Council and that this council’s representation to include officers, the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Growth and the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Efficiency;

5. Discussions are held with Aspire Housing to explore options for the early redevelopment of the Borough Council-owned sites identified for possible housing development as a means for expediting the delivery of this aspect of the masterplan; and

6. Should any suitable sites become available in the area that authority is given for the Council to directly purchase or work in partnership with Aspire to make appropriate purchases.


Cabinet considered a report on the Knutton Masterplan.  The document had been jointly commissioned and overseen by the Borough and County Councils and Aspire Housing.  The Masterplan assessed opportunities to bring forward new housing investment and improve community facilities and the physical environment in Knutton.  The key features of the Plan were outlined and included a new village hall, creation of a village green and play facilities along with redevelopment of a number of sites for housing and replacement office business accommodation.  There were also a number of highway reconfigurations and improvements. 


Resolved: That:      


1. The Knutton Masterplan be approved in principle for public consultation and the result of that consultation be reported back for Cabinet’s consideration;.

2. Opportunities be explored and taken to pursue funding through the Government’s Town Deal programme for Newcastle to provide some of the resources necessary to deliver some of the investment proposals contained in the Knutton Masterplan.

3. When the outcome of the Newcastle Town Deal submission is known and therefore the fuller financial implications of delivering the Knutton masterplan are clearer, a more complete report is brought to Cabinet.

4. A Project Board be established to take forward the masterplan and any subsequent delivery plan, with membership including Newcastle Borough Council, Aspire Housing and Staffordshire County Council and that this council’s representation to include officers, the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Growth and the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Efficiency.

5. Discussions are held with Aspire Housing to explore options for the early redevelopment of the Borough Council-owned sites identified for possible housing development as a means for expediting the delivery of this aspect of the masterplan.

6. Should any suitable sites become available in the area that authority is given for the Council to directly purchase or work in partnership with Aspire to make appropriate purchases.