Issue - meetings


Meeting: 09/09/2020 - Cabinet (Item 21)


This item includes a supplementary report.


(i)            The progress made on the project since April 2020 Cabinet in terms of scope, design and budget in consultation with the Kidsgrove Leisure Centre Community Group be noted.

(ii)          It be noted that following detailed survey work, the target cost of the project is now £5.998m

(iii)         The submission of a bid under the Town Fund Advance Funding for a contribution towards the refurbishment of the Centre be noted.

(iv)         A supplementary capital estimate be approved of up to £400,000 to be drawn down from the Council’s 2020/21 capital programme contingency in the event that external funding contributions cannot be secured

(v)          That the Executive Director Commercial Development and Economic Growth, in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Service Improvement, People and Partnerships, continue to work with the Community Group to progress the refurbishment.


Cabinet considered a report on the refurbishment of Kidsgrove Sports Centre.  The report outlined that since May 2020 a series of intrusive surveys had been undertaken which had provided detailed information on the condition of the building and enabled cost estimates to be firmed up.  Following a number of meetings with the Community Group, Wilmott Dixon and their leisure achitects had produced a new design which made the most of the existing layout, satisfied anticipated users requirements and provided a 25 year lifespan for the building.  The costs of the project had now increased from £5.6m to £5.998m.  The confidential Appendix 1 comprised the RIBA Stage 2 report summarising survey findings and setting out the cost plan.   The timescale would see a transfer of the building from Staffordshire County Council to the Borough Council in October 2020.


Members noted the cross-party Cabinet Panel had met regularly and supported the project.  There was a plan of the layout on the Council website.


Resolved: That


(i)            The progress made on the project since April 2020 Cabinet in terms of scope, design and budget in consultation with the Kidsgrove Leisure Centre Community Group be noted;

(ii)          It be noted that following detailed survey work, the target cost of the project is now £5.998m;

(iii)         The submission of a bid under the Town Fund Advance Funding for a contribution towards the refurbishment of the Centre be noted;

(iv)         A supplementary capital estimate be approved of up to £400,000 to be drawn down from the Council’s 2020/21 capital programme contingency in the event that external funding contributions cannot be secured; and

(v)          The Executive Director Commercial Development and Economic Growth, in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Service Improvement, People and Partnerships, continue to work with the Community Group to progress the refurbishment.