Issue - meetings


Meeting: 20/05/2020 - Cabinet (Item 6)


Additional documents:


That the contents of the report be noted and that the Council’s performance alongside its financial performance for the same period continue to be monitored and challenged.


A report was submitted to Cabinet providing the Financial and Performance review Report for Quarter Four 2019/20.


Councillor Sweeney introduced the first part of the report, drawing Members’ attention to page 31 of the agenda which outlined the current financial position.  Councillor Sweeney made reference to paragraph 3.2 which outlined the reasons for the variance.


The Leader introduced the performance part of the report, commencing at page 33 of the agenda.  Members were advised that the last quarter had been hit by the Coronavirus and therefore the targets were looking back before lockdown.


Priority 1. Local Services that Work for Local People


Councillor Johnson stated that all indicators at 1.4 and 1,5 were looking excellent during that period.


The Leader made reference to the indicators at 1.6 to 1.9 adding that Customer Services had been assisted by J2  staff during lockdown.


Councillor Sweeney referred to indicators 1.10 to 1.13 stating that the figures were excellent prior to the current crisis.



Priority 2. Growing our People and Places.


Councillor Northcott referred to the indicators at 2.2 to 2.5 stating that he was impressed with the Planning team and the new Head of Planning.



Priority 3. A Healthy, Active and Safe Borough


Councillor Maxfield referred to the indicators at 3.1 and 3.2 and stated that she had high praise for the teams dealing with Anti-Social Behaviour and Vulnerability during this time, maintaining the connections with the Council’s partners whilst working from home.


Councillor Waring referred to the indicators 3.3 to 3.5 adding that the Museum and J2 had been severely impacted by the Coronavirus.  New memberships for J2 was currently frozen.



Priority 4. A Town Centre for All.


The Leader stated that the town centre had also been severely hit by the Coronavirus.  Councillor Sweeney added that the High Streets Fund and Town Deals were going through and a date was awaited as to when businesses could start opening up again.



Resolved:      That the contents of the report be noted and that the Council’s

performance alongside its financial performance for the same period continue to be monitored and challenged.