Issue - meetings


Meeting: 22/04/2020 - Cabinet (Item 4)



That the report be noted and the work being undertaken to respond to the Coronavirus pandemic be endorsed.


A report was submitted to Cabinet to inform Members of the actions being taken across the Council to respond to the Coronavirus pandemic.


The Leader, Councillor Simon Tagg stated that the Council had continued to provide services in the best way possible with many staff working from home.


Services at J2 and the Borough Museum had been suspended with relevant staff being redirected to other areas such as working in partnership to help the vulnerable within the community.


The homeless and rough sleepers had been taken off the streets and the Council would promptly react to others who became homeless.


The Waste and Recycling service was running almost as normal and there had been an increase in garden waste. 


There had been a financial impact from the pandemic as there was no income from parking or J2.


The Leader thanked all staff at the Council for the part they were playing and stated that the Council was doing an amazing job providing key services. To residents


The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Efficiency, Councillor Stephen Sweeney stated that the Council deserved credit for its handling of the £1.035m Hardship Fund received from the Government which would assist resident of the Borough with support for Council Tax.  Any monies left over would help to support various extra groups.


Members attention was drawn to paragraph 2.12 of the report which set out support offered to businesses.


The Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Culture and Heritage, Councillor Jill Waring stated that the Council was doing a fantastic job and thanked all staff for their loyalty and dedication.


The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Growth, Councillor Paul Northcott echoed everything that had been said and thanked staff.  He was pleased that services had been maintained, particularly in respect of helping vulnerable people and the help offered to small businesses within the Borough.


Councillor Northcott added that the Planning team had been working as normal as possible with a virtual meeting held last week and stated that it was a great team effort.


The Portfolio Holder for Environment and Recycling, Councillor Trevor Johnson stated that the Waste and Recycling team had been nothing short of heroic during the pandemic.  The tonnage of recycled waste was up by 20%.  Most rounds were being operated by a driver plus one.


Bereavement Services have extended crematoria opening hours to include Saturday mornings.


The Leader reiterated everything that had been said and added that two local MP’s had been lobbied in respect of money expected from the Government to help with the current crisis created by the pandemic.



Resolved:     That the report be noted and that the work being undertaken to

respond to the Coronavirus pandemic be endorsed.