Issue - meetings


Meeting: 18/03/2020 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 CCTV POLICY pdf icon PDF 356 KB

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(i)    That  the proposed CCTV Policy for introduction and implementation in the Borough be approved.

(ii)   That Responsible Owners (ROs) be tasked to review and refresh the Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) in place for existing Council CCTV schemes to ensure that they comply with the approved CCTV Policy approach.



A report was submitted to Cabinet seeking approval for the adoption of a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Policy for the Borough Council.


The Portfolio Holder for Community Safety and Wellbeing, Councillor Maxfield stated that it reflected good practice and was good for the residents.

Councillor Sweeney added that it was good for the protection of the public and fully supported it as did Councillor Waring.


The Leader stated that the Policy covered all CCTV use, not just in the town centre but across the Borough.  The Policy also ensured that our use of CCTV (including body cameras) was appropriate and that the public and staff were protected.


Resolved:     (i)         That  the proposed CCTV Policy for introduction

                                    and implementation in the Borough be approved.


(ii)        That Responsible Owners (ROs) be tasked to review and

 refresh the Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) in place

 for existing Council CCTV schemes to ensure that they

 comply with the approved CCTV Policy approach.