(i) That the Chief Executive be authorised (and inform the Cabinet Member for Environment and Recycling) to extend the existing contract for the technical consultancy support for the air quality local plan and the contract for the provision of the joint air quality project manager to meet Ministerial Direction relating to Air Quality.
(ii) That delegated authority be granted to the Chief Executive (in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Recycling) for any further extension to the existing contracts for the technical consultancy support or project manager in order to meet the requirements of the Ministerial Direction in relation to Air Quality.
A report was submitted to Cabinet seeking approval of the extension to an award of contract for the Air Quality Local Plan Technical Consultant work and to approve the award of contract for the air quality project manager.
The Leader introduced the report on behalf of the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Recycling. The contracts were necessary as specialist knowledge was required in order to identify a preferred option.
The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Efficiency, Councillor Sweeney advised that the top of Basford bank was an issue but it could be controlled to an extent by cutting back the leaves on trees and by altering the traffic light sequence.
Resolved: (i) That the Chief Executive be authorised (and inform the
Cabinet Member for Environment and Recycling) to extend the existing contract for the technical consultancy support for the air quality local plan and the contract for the provision of the joint air quality project manager to meet Ministerial Direction relating to Air Quality.
(ii) That delegated authority be granted to the Chief Executive (in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Recycling) for any further extension to the existing contracts for the technical consultancy support or project manager in order to meet the requirements of the Ministerial Direction in relation to Air Quality.