Issue - meetings


Meeting: 10/07/2019 - Cabinet (Item 5)



(i)            That the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder be

given delegated authority to:

(i.i)       secure Planning Consent for:


(i.i.ii)     Demolition of the post 1950’s building extensions,

making good external walls, on the existing building;

(i.i.iii)    Change of use of the existing building to residential;

(i.i.iv)   Three substantial 4-5 bedroomed detached houses,

each having integral garages.


(i.ii)      Dispose of the retained building for refurbishment as a single

4-5 bedroomed detached dwelling or 2 Apartments, in a

manner that protects the future use of the property.

(i.iii)     Restrict future use of the dwellings to single family

accommodation by way of covenant;

(i.iv)     Dispose of the 3 plots with the benefit of planning permission,

in a manner that protects the future use of the properties. i.e. single family accommodation.(option 2.9B)


(ii)          That the costs of demolishing the building extensions and making good external walls be added to the 2019-20 capital programme, to be replenished in 2020-21 from the net proceeds of disposal.


A report was submitted to Cabinet to consider options for the future of this redundant property and options for its redevelopment.


The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Growth, Councillor Paul Northcott advised Members that in September 2015, Council had resolved to dispose of the site as a single lot.  In 2028, Members directed that the decision be revisited to consider alternative options for the site to enable the enhancing of the value of the site.


Tarpey Woodfine were engaged to provide alternative residential scheme layouts and Butters John Bee were engaged to provide valuation advice in respect of these


The Chief Executive and officers were thanked for their work on this.


Reference was made to the confidential appendix that would be considered in the closed session later in the meeting.


The Leader stated that Sidmouth Avenue was within a Conservation Area and that a lot of work had been carried out to protect the character of that area. 


The existing building, with the removal of the 1950’s extension would provide a nice family home and the land would allow for other houses to be built.


Members welcomed the report stating that nit was an excellent development and a great way of managing our assets.


Resolved:     (i)         That the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio

Holder be given delegated authority to:


(i.i)       secure Planning Consent for:


(i.i.ii)     Demolition of the post 1950’s building

                         extensions,.making good external walls, on

the existing building;

(i.i.iii)   Change of use of the existing building to


(i.i.iv)   Three substantial 4-5 bedroomed detached

houses, each having integral garages.


(i.ii)      Dispose of the retained building for refurbishment

as a single 4-5 bedroomed detached dwelling or 2 Apartments, in a manner that protects the future use of the property.


(i.iii)     Restrict future use of the dwellings to single family

             accommodation by way of covenant;


(i.iv)     Dispose of the 3 plots with the benefit of planning

permission, in a manner that protects the future use

of the properties. i.e. single family

accommodation.(option 2.9B)


(ii)           That the costs of demolishing the building extensions and making good external walls be added to the 2019-20 capital programme, to be replenished in 2020-21 from the net proceeds of disposal.