Issue - meetings

Car Parking Strategy

Meeting: 16/10/2019 - Cabinet (Item 7)


Additional documents:


(i)            That the Car Parking Strategy be endorsed, taking into account the issues highlighted by Economy, Environment and Place Scrutiny Committee.


(ii)           That officers commence consultation on the draft Car Parking Strategy with the Town Centre Board and Business Improvement District.


(iii)          That the Executive Director (Resources and Support Services) in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Efficiency be authorised to adopt the final strategy following amendments taking into account consultation comments.


(iv)          That officers be authorised to introduce the £1 after 1pm in time for the Christmas Light Switch on with a review of the effectiveness after 8 months of operation.




A report was submitted to Cabinet outlining the draft Car Parking Strategy.


The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Efficiency thanked officers for the work that had been put into this ten year strategy.


A copy of the Strategy was appended to the report.  The Strategy had been considered by the Economy, Environment and Place Scrutiny Committee in September, 2019


Members’ attention was drawn to paragraph 2.2 of the report which highlighted the key objectives.  Councillor Sweeney referred to Objectives 1 to 3 and reference was made to the provision of charging points for electric cars which currently is only offered locally at Keele Services.


The Leader stated that the Council now had a plan for car parking to take forward.


Members welcomed the Strategy and agreed that marketing the changes was important to let the people know.


The Leader stated that the BID had yet to make a decision on the proposal for the Goose Street car park to be a dedicated “Shoppers Carpark” but the general feeling was that the BID and businesses were in favour.


Resolved:     (i)         That the Car Parking Strategy be endorsed, taking into

account the issues highlighted by the Economy, Environment and Place Scrutiny Committee.


(ii)                That officers commence consultation on the draft Car Parking Strategy with the Town Centre Board and Business Improvement District.


(iii)              That the Executive Director (Resources and Support Services) in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Efficiency be authorised to adopt the final strategy following amendments taking into account consultation comments.


(iv)              That officers be authorised to introduce the £1 after 1pm in time  for the Christmas Light Switch on with a review of the effectiveness after 8 months of operation.