Issue - meetings

Supply of Spring and Summer Bedding Plants Contract

Meeting: 16/10/2019 - Cabinet (Item 9)



That the Head of Operations be authorised  to undertake an open  procurement exercise for the provision of bedding plants on a three year contract extendable by single one year extension up to March 2023 commencing November 2019 and following consultation with the Portfolio Holder, accept the most economically advantageous tender within the existing approved budget provision.



A report was submitted to Cabinet seeking approval for the future procurement of spring and summer bedding plans, hanging baskets and troughs for the Council’s floral displays.


The Leader introduced the report on behalf of the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Recycling, Councillor Trevor Johnson.


The Executive Director for Operations, Dave Adams pointed out a tying error in the report under ‘Reasons’ which read March 2020.  The date in the ‘Recommendation’, March 2023 was correct.


Councillor Holland referred to the award winning displays in the town and that last week, Newcastle had celebrated the Blue Band Award.


Members asked Dave Adams to pass on thanks to everyone involved with the displays.


Resolved:     That the Head of Operations be authorised to undertake an open

procurement exercise for the provision of bedding plants on a three year contract extendable by single one year extension up to March 2023 commencing November 2019 and following consultation with the Portfolio Holder, accept the most economically advantageous tender within the existing approved budget provision.