Issue - meetings

Strategic alliance Growth Deal

Meeting: 05/12/2018 - Cabinet (Item 5)


Additional documents:


(i)    That the Strategic Alliance between the two Councils be noted and that the Growth Deal be approved.


(ii)   That officers be authorised, in liaison with the Leader of the Council, to engage with officers of the County Council and representatives of other partners to prepare projects and initiatives to address the identified priorities.


(iii)  That officers, in liaison with the Leader of the Council, establish effective programme governance arrangements.


(iv)That officers report back to Cabinet as required to seek any necessary financial contributions or other necessary resource allocation.


(v)  That, the Leader of the Council and Leader of the County Council, meet following the County Council’s Cabinet meeting of 19 December, 2018 to finalise the plan.



A report was submitted seeking Members’ approval for a Growth Deal between the Borough and County Council’s.


The Leader thanked the officers of both Authority’s for putting the Deal together.


Members’ attention was drawn to item 5 of the Growth Deal Document which listed the priorities for Newcastle Town Centre, Kidsgrove Town Centre, the Keele University Growth Corridor, Knutton, enhanced two-tier working, housing and employment and skills.


The document also contained an Action Plan for the priorities.


The Leader also proposed an additional recommendation to be added, that he and the Leader of the County Council meet following the County Council’s Cabinet meeting on 19 December, to finalise the plan.  This extra recommendation was agreed by the Members.


The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Growth, Councillor Paul Northcott welcomed the new plan and stated that the alliance would strengthen the Council’s aspirations – looking at housing and delivery targets.  It would be an excellent opportunity to look at the strategic road networks.  HS2 was also an important factor.


The Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Culture and  Heritage, Councillor Mark Holland endorsed the previous comments and congratulated the Leader on negotiating the Deal.  Councillor Holland said that it was encouraging to see how much the document strengthened the Council’s corporate priorities, especially around town centres and growth.


The Leader advised Members that there would be a refresh of the Council’s Economic Development Strategy which would be brought to Cabinet in Spring, 2019.



Resolved:      (i)         That the Strategic Alliance between the two Councils be

noted and that the Growth Deal be approved.


                        (ii)        That officers be authorised, in liaison with the Leader of

the Council, to engage with officers of the County Council

and representatives of other partners to prepare projects

and initiatives to address the identified priorities.


(iii)         That officers, in liaison with the Leader of the Council, establish effective programme governance arrangements.


(iv)         That officers report back to Cabinet as required to seek any necessary financial contributions or other necessary resource allocation.


(v)          That, the Leader of the Council and Leader of the County Council, meet following the County Council’s Cabinet meeting of 19 December, 2018 to finalise the plan.