Issue - meetings

University Growth Corridor

Meeting: 17/10/2018 - Cabinet (Item 5)


Report to Follow


1 That members, having reviewed the feedback from the Economy, Environment and Place Scrutiny Committee (26/9/2018) in relation to:

·        Quality of housing/density

·        Mix of housing

·        Transport and community infrastructure

·        Open space


together with the comments made at the call-in meeting of Economy, Environment and Place Scrutiny (11/10/2018), along with the feedback from the public engagement event held on 10 October 2018, approved the vision and proposals and agreed that the proposals be submitted for consideration for inclusion in the emerging Joint Plan including the following additional commitments


(a)  That the Council agrees to the commissioning of a site-specific Design Brief at the most appropriate stage of any disposal process to establish key principles about matters such as housing type and tenure, density of development, open space provision and provision of space for any necessary community facilities.

(b)  That officers be authorised, in consultation, with the relevant Portfolio Holders(s) to continue working with key partners in order to make any necessary representations to the local planning authority.

(c)  That, subject to the inclusion of the proposals in the Draft Local Plan, officers be authorised, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder(s,) to continue working with the key partners to facilitate practical implementation of the vision for the area, reporting back to members at key milestones and in particular to seek approval for any significant resourcing requirements, including the commissioning of a site-specific Design Brief referred to above.




The Cabinet Member for Planning and Growth reported that the Economy, Environment and Place Scrutiny Committee (26/09/2018) had considered a report on the University Growth Corridor and that although the principle of development was acceptable the committee had raised some points of concern.


The Economy, Environment and Place Scrutiny Committee had subsequently reviewed the decision at a Call-In meeting (11/10/2018) when the Call-In was rejected.


Resolved:    That members, having reviewed the feedback from the Economy, Environment and Place Scrutiny Committee (26/9/2018) together with the comments made at the call-in meeting of Economy, Environment and Place Scrutiny (11/10/2018) along with the feedback from the public engagement event held on 10 October 2018, approval be given to the vision and proposals and that the proposals be submitted for consideration for inclusion in the emerging Joint Plan including the following additional commitments


(a)          That the Council agrees to the commissioning of a site-specific Design Brief at the most appropriate stage of any disposal process to establish key principles about matters such as housing type and tenure, density of development, open space provision and provision of space for any necessary community facilities.


(b)          That officers be authorised, in consultation, with the relevant Portfolio Holders(s) to continue working with key partners in order to make any necessary representations to the local planning authority.


(c)          That, subject to the inclusion of the proposals in the Draft Local Plan, officers be authorised, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder(s,) to continue working with the key partners to facilitate practical implementation of the vision for the area, reporting back to members at key milestones and in particular to seek approval for any significant resourcing requirements, including the commissioning of a site-specific Design Brief referred to above.