Issue - meetings

Consultation - Open Space Strategy and Green Infrastructure Strategy

Meeting: 24/11/2016 - Cleaner Greener and Safer Communities Scrutiny Committee (Item 4)

4 Consultation - Open Space Strategy and Green Infrastructure Strategy pdf icon PDF 48 KB

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As part of the consultation process the Head of Operations and the Landscape and Community Manager presented the draft Open Space Strategy and the Green Infrastructure Strategy for consideration and comment by members of the Committee. It was noted that the documents were all available on the Councils public website and that the period for public consultation ended on 15 December, 2016.


The strategies identified a range of strategic aims and objectives for open space requirements in the borough as well as green infrastructure planning, provision, management, maintenance and alternative use to ensure that these assets fulfil their potential to deliver a wide range of environmental, economic and social benefits.


 A number of key stakeholders – Locality Action Partnerships, parish councils and local councils had been involved in developing the documents which will form part of the evidence base for the Joint Local Plan, once they have been adopted.


In line with a suggestion from the Chair members agreed to confine questions and issues to the overall strategy.


Members were encouraged to be an advocate for the strategies and to encourage residents to engage with the consultation process.


In response to a members question it was explained that issues concerning fly tipping did not fall under the strategy, similarly sites for travellers as they were an operational issue.  Surface water was considered as part of the green infrastructure strategy which would look at open spaces to help ensure that they were more resilient.


A member asked about the cost of external consultants who had been engaged to prepare the strategy and it was confirmed that this was approximately £24k.


Although Members were impressed by the high quality of the content and comprehensive nature of the documents they were concerned at their accessibility to the general public due to the complexity of the information and the size of the documents.


In response to a question from a member concerning links to existing strategies officers confirmed that the consultants who prepared the strategy had been advised to consider other relevant documents such as Rights of Way Improvement Plan (Staffordshire County Council, Rural Green Space Strategy and the Borough Equestrian Strategy.


A member highlighted the decreased maintenance strategy and sought reassurance that the open space remained accessible. This was confirmed where it is feasible to do so, depending on the use of the land.  Different approaches could be used such as leasing for pasture and grazing, mowing regimes could be relaxed (this can allow natural ecosystems to flourish for example), to enable resources to be moved into the higher priority sites.


Officers confirmed that there would be potential for different types of maintenance, for example a residents group may be able to take over the maintenance of a particular area.


The Head of Operations and the Landscape and Community Manager left the meeting at this point and continuing, Members discussed their response to the public consultation document:-


1.         Do you/or do you not support the ‘Vision for Open Space’ as set

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