Issue - meetings

Community Centre Review update

Meeting: 10/12/2014 - Cabinet (Item 4)

4 Implementation of the Community Centre Review pdf icon PDF 62 KB


Consideration was given to a report updating Members on the progress made in implementing the Community Centre Review.


A number of outcomes had emerged from the Review and a programme of works had been prepared.  Draft Heads of Terms had been sent to six community centre committees for consideration and a model lease was being prepared.


The Community Centre Working Party had already been operating along similar lines to a Cabinet Panel and it was felt that now as the appropriate time to formally establish a Cabinet Panel.


A comprehensive action plan had been approved and the report gave an update on the current position and the stages of the Community Centres in terms of repair, leases and governance.


Resolved:-              (i)       That a Cabinet Panel be established with delegated

decision making powers to progress the review and

specifically the options identified within the report.


(ii)       That a further report, on the implementation of the review, be received within six months.