Issue - meetings

Urban North Staffordshire Green Space Strategy Review

Meeting: 10/12/2014 - Cabinet (Item 5)

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The Cabinet considered a report on the current situation regarding the Urban North Staffordshire Green Space Strategy (UNSGSS) and the plan to review and update it.


The Portfolio Holder stated that a review of the Strategy was required to ensure that the green space asset base in Newcastle fulfils its potential to deliver a wide range of environmental, economic and social benefits through a strategic approach to planning and management and that the

Strategy remains fit for purpose and a robust evidence base for the emerging joint Local Plan.


Councillor Mrs Naylon had three questions about this item:


(i)             In the interests of ‘joined up government’, could the Cabinet give assurance that the UNSGSS review would recognise and use the work in the Right of Way Improvement Plan (ROWIP) to result in a ‘multi-user approach’ to the provision of access to green spaces.  The UNSGSS made such use of terms ‘Footpaths and Cycleways’.  In 2014 there had been an increasing use of networks by mobility scooter users, tricycles and yes, horse and pony riders in our urban areas.  Could the Cabinet insist that the change in the demographic of ‘user groups’ is taken into account in the review.”


The Portfolio Holder explained that the Right of Way Improvement Plan set out the provisions but not necessarily the details of individual projects.  However, the Strategy would be looked at to see how it could best meet local needs.


(ii)            “Could Cabinet ask that the UNSGSS review please use the excellent ROWIP of 2014…there were 28 priority areas proposed; these need reviewing and moving forward.


In the public consultation exercise for ROWIP, Newcastle was recognised as the area which responded most vigorously to requests for information and suggestions for improvement, most of which were about increasing the availability of access (off road routes) and connectivity.  Could the Cabinet ask the UNSGSS review team go back to the ROWIP and look for ways of overcoming barriers/dead ends and lack of connection across City, Borough and Parish boundaries”.


The Portfolio Holder’s response was that the County Council was the lead authority for the ROWIP and they would take forward most of the proposals contained in the policy.  Where it related to the Borough Council, this would be taken into account when details of the project plans were approved.


The UNSGSS sets out the framework for green space strategy  provision and management but not necessarily details of all individual projects


(iii)           What was the timetable for the production of the UNSGSS and SALS and how could members be involved in the process of the two policy proposals?


The Portfolio Holder stated that the shortlisting and tender process would lead up to March, 2015.  Work could then commence on the review through 2015/16 and would take about a year to complete.



(a)     Resolved:-            That approval be granted to review the Green

Space Strategy in line with the National Planning Policy Framework and that cost of the review be met from the provision made in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5