Decision details


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


 Cabinet considered a report which updated members on the work undertaken by the Kidsgrove Community Interest Organisation (CIO), working in alongside the Borough Council and County Council to re-open the former sports centre in Kidsgrove.


A report was submitted to Cabinet which updated members on the progress made by the Community Interest Organisation (CIO), working alongside the Borough Council and County Council (SCC) in looking at the feasibility of re-opening the former sports centre and for it to be managed by the CIO.


The CIO believes that the capital costs of bringing the building back into use is likely to be around £500,000 and the Council, along with other parties, could make a contribution towards this with the CIO taking responsibility for the operating costs of the centre. The Council may also consider a form of bridging finance for the CIO. It is intended that the level of financial contribution will be presented for a decision by the September meeting of the Cabinet and subject to a number of conditions under discussions with the CIO.


The Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Service Improvement, People and Partnerships emphasised the support and collaborative working which was an important part of helping to deliver the project to the Community. The Portfolio Holder went on to explain that the long term plan was for a replacement, modern leisure centre with a swimming pool.



Resolved:     That Cabinet and Officers continue to work with partners towards re-providing community run sports facilities at Kidsgrove Sports Centre and that Cabinet receives a further report detailing the financial implications to the Council associated with this by the September Cabinet meeting for a decision.

Publication date: 25/07/2018

Date of decision: 18/07/2018

Decided at meeting: 18/07/2018 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: