Issue - decisions

Newcastle Partnership - Memorandum of Understanding

25/03/2015 - Newcastle Partnership - Accountable Body

a)    That Cabinet endorse the proposed ‘Newcastle Partnership – Locality Commissioning - Roles and Responsibilities’ document and accompanying letters of commitment from the County Council to therefore approve the formal appointment of the Borough Council as the accountable body for the Newcastle Partnership for the purposes of locality commissioning and as currently exercised under the Local Government Act (2000) relating to leading the co-ordination of Local Strategic Partnerships activity.


b)    That Cabinet authorise the Chief Executive, on behalf of the Borough Council, to sign the letter dated 27th February 2015 from Staffordshire County Council (SCC) (found at Appendix C), thereby authorising the transfer of up to £141,000 from SCC to the Borough Council for the purposes of locality commissioning and sign the ‘Roles and Responsibilities’ document at Appendix D.