Agenda item

Quarter One Financial and Performance Review


Quarter One Finance Position 2015/2016


At the end of the first quarter, the general fund budget showed an adverse variance of £55,000.  The main reasons to date were:-


(a)    The implementation of the staff related savings required to deliver the 2015/2016 target of £50k was still in progress.

(b)    Jubilee 2 and Kidsgrove Sports Centre were both operating at a net overspend, primarily due to income shortfall.  Officers were looking at ways to both retain current income levels and pursue additional income.

(c)    Income from commercial rents was below the amount budgeted for.  Active marketing of properties was continuing in order to try and secure new tenancies.


With regard to 5.2 of the report a further payment had now been received and would be included in the quarter two financial report.


The Executive Director Resources and Support Services advised that there was no anticipated over spend on any capital schemes. 


Further meetings with the trade unions were scheduled for September with implementation on the 1st October 2015.


The total staff related savings in the current financial year would amount to approximately £15,000.


A Member asked if the overspend from Jubilee 2 and Kidsgrove Sports Centre would be ongoing.


The Chair advised that this question would be passed to an Officer within the Leisure Section.




(a)    That a marketing plan for Jubilee 2 and Kidsgrove Sports Centre be circulated to Committee showing ways to retain current income levels and pursue additional income.


Quarter One Performance Review 2015/2016


The Committee received the Performance Management report to the end of Quarter One (April-June) 2015.  Five indicators were off target:-


1.7  The amount of residual waste per household.

2.6  Percentage of minor planning applications determined within time.

2.7  Percentage of other planning applications determined within time.

4.3  Average number of days per employee lost to sickness.

4.5  % Unmet demand (number of calls not answered as a % of total call handling volume) – these were confirmed as external calls and were being managed.  Four of the sickness cases were in Customer Services Division and the staff had returned to work.


Concern was raised regarding sickness.  The Executive Director Resources and Support Services advised that unfortunately there had been a series of serious operations and illnesses during the first quarter.  There was only one case relating to stress in the workplace. The short term sickness figures were very low.


It was asked under 1.1, Percentage of food premises that have a zero or one national food hygiene rating, if it was due to deterioration or to a new business opening up?


The Business Improvement Officer (Performance and Procurement) advised that the programme covered a range of premises.  A breakdown of what the programme covered would be supplied to Committee at the next meeting.


Indicator 1.7, the amount of residual waste per household.  These were seasonal figures.  There was a slight improvement compared to quarter 1.




(a)    That a detailed breakdown is produced for the next meeting, in relation to the percentage of food premises that have a zero or one national food hygiene rating.

(b)    That a comparative report is produced showing the number of homelessness cases where positive action was successful preventing homelessness, to see if the system was working.

(c)    That the percentage of minor planning applications determined within time be noted in the quarterly monitoring reports.

(d)    Indicator 3.4, number of referrals from GPs to organised sporting activity and indicator 3.5, percentage of people referred for exercise by GPs whose health improves.  Both of these indicators to be monitored as there had been a drop in Jubilee 2 referrals and a drop in the public seeking the recreational facilities.

Supporting documents: