Agenda item

New Applications Received

To make observations on new applications received.


Resolved:-   That the following observations be made on the applications listed below:-


App No

Proposed development and name of applicant






85 High Street, Newcastle

The Working Party has no objections in principle to the signs but insists that all fixings for the signs be made into mortar courses or reuse existing holes. 





Blackburn House, The Midway, Newcastle


Strongly object to cladding, as unnecessary.  This building and Marches House, built as a pair in the 1960’s where the addition of the cladding will change the balance and composition of the two buildings.  It is well designed with a quality and character particularly around the windows.  No case has been put forward for adding cladding.  Very real risk that the timber cladding will look unsightly in a few years.




14/00814/FUL & 14/00969/LBC



































































Beech Wood, Main Road, Betley


Wilbraham House Residential Home, Audley














Betley Court Farm, Main Road, Betley















Car Park, Windsor Street, Newcastle





Scouts Association, The Avenue, Kidsgrove










13 Barracks Road, Newcastle














Former Maxims, Stanier Street/Lower Street, Newcastle

No objections



The Working Party considers that this application is overdevelopment of the site and at present there is a subsidiarity to the extension.  The damage to the streetscene has already been done but would wish the possibility of dormers in the roof to reduce the overall bulk of the roof be explored.


The WP considers that more care needs to be taken with the design to reflect the existing building particularly in relation to existing openings, ensuring that cill heights are retained and that reference is paid to the existence of the large openings.  There is a possibility for archaeology on the site.


This proposal is not the most desirable use of land for this corner of the Conservation Area.  It could be tidied up.


This part of the Conservation Area is attractive and the Working Party feels that the banner sign should be lower in height to be more in keeping with the character of the street.


The Barracks Workshops is an important high quality listed building designed to be seen from all angles.  The Working Party considers the building unsympathetic and the roof material completely inappropriate and that all timber  would be a better solution.


No objections, but the Working Party wants to ensure that the trees on Stanier Street are unharmed and the hoarding is located behind the bollards for added security.


Supporting documents: