Agenda item

Council Response to Newcastle-under-Lyme and Stoke-on-Trent Joint Local Plan- Call for Sites


a)    That officers be authorised to complete and submit pro-forma responses to the local planning authority for all Borough Council owned sites listed in the appendix to this report.


b)    That officers be authorised to incorporate the identified sites listed in the appendix in the scope of the proposed masterplan (around the former Keele Golf Course and western / southern fringes of urban Newcastle) and to proceed, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder, to agree the principles of a brief with appropriate land owners.


c)    That the financial implications arising from recommendation (b) be addressed through the 2015/16 budget setting process.


d)    That the sites listed in the appendix to this report be used to inform the next and future Asset Management Strategies / Plans.


e)    That officers bring forward at the earliest opportunity a further report identifying any additional sites which may be identified as appropriate for alternative use or development once key strategy documents have been finalised as described in the report.


A representation had been submitted by Cllr Mark Holland. Cllr Holland outlined his representation which focused on concerns of the residents of the Westlands Ward regarding the in principal earmarking of green spaces for development.


Cllr Naylon had also submitted 2 questions in relation to this agenda item. Cllr Naylon put her questions to the Cabinet. Cllr Naylon requested information regarding where the master plan could be viewed and what was the likely timescale


Cllr Williams stated that there was currently not a master plan and that the report to Cabinet only recommended that that officers be authorised to proceed in consultation with the relevant portfolio holder, to agree the principles of a brief with appropriate land owners.


Cllr Kearon requested confirmation that there were currently no brownfields sites available in the Borough. The Executive Director responded that there were none available for development at the moment and highlighted the current situation relating to the main brownfield sites in the Borough which were all already earmarked for future development in some way. Cllr Kearon requested clarity that by having a Joint Plan with Stoke, the brownfield sites available in the City would be taken into consideration prior to the green spaces in the Borough. The Executive Director stated a brownfield first policy was hoped to be included in the Joint Local Plan.




(a)          That officers be authorised to complete and submit pro-forma responses to the local planning authority for all Borough Council owned sites listed in the appendix to this report.


(b)          That officers be authorised to incorporate the identified sites listed in the appendix in the scope of the proposed masterplan (around the former Keele Golf Course and western / southern fringes of urban Newcastle) and to proceed, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder, to agree the principles of a brief with appropriate land owners.


(c)          That the financial implications arising from recommendation (b) be addressed through the 2015/16 budget setting process.


(d)          That the sites listed in the appendix to this report be used to inform the next and future Asset Management Strategies / Plans.



(e)          That officers bring forward at the earliest opportunity a further report identifying any additional sites which may be identified as appropriate for alternative use or development once key strategy documents have been finalised as described in the report.

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