Agenda item

Asset Disposals


a)    That Members approve (with the exception of the sites at Church Lane, Knutton and Gallowstree Lane, Westlands) the disposal of the tranche 2 sites, subject to having first secured an appropriate outline planning permission for each parcel of land.


b)    That Members approve the procurement of specialist consultants to prepare and submit planning applications in respect of the sites at Sandy Lane/Brampton Road, May Bank, Market Drayton Road, Loggerheads and Eccleshall Road, Loggerheads and the associated costs.


c)    That members agree to add the cost of procuring the specialist consultants referred to in recommendation (b) to the current capital programme in accordance with the Council’s Financial Regulations.


Cllr Jones and Cllr Tagg had submitted representations in relation to the agenda item. Cllr Jones and Cllr Tagg highlighted the main areas listed in their representations.


Cllr Jones’ highlighted the main area of concern for the public as being the effect of the disposal on the Whitfield Community Centre which had been using one of the sites listed. Cllr Jones also disputed whether the car parking space would be increased to 33 spaces as stated in the report.


Cllr Tagg highlighted the concerns listed in his representation regarding the land at Sandy Lane including the fact that the space was used by local people for recreation, that it soaked up rain water that could otherwise lead to flooding and that it was situated near a busy roundabout which would make any development difficult to access.


The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Assets responded to the questions and representations.


Desk top assessments (including a mining report) had been produced in respect of all sites which had brought to light any significant technical constraints (which could inhibit alternative use or development). In relation to the Wedgewood Avenue Site, The Portfolio Holder was satisfied that a robust consultation had been undertaken regarding this and all of the sites listed and urged the Cabinet to accept the recommendations.


The Portfolio Holder further highlighted that elected members and members of the public would have a further ability to become involved in the process when it reached the planning application stage.


Cllr Turner considered the options available and agreed that the recommendations were the best way forward for the council in comparison to other possibilities such as borrowing money.




a)            That Members approve (with the exception of the sites at Church Lane, Knutton and Gallowstree Lane, Westlands) the disposal of the tranche 2 sites, subject to having first secured an appropriate outline planning permission for each parcel of land.


(b         That Members approve the procurement of specialist consultants to prepare and submit planning applications in respect of the sites at Sandy Lane/Brampton Road, May Bank, Market Drayton Road, Loggerheads and Eccleshall Road, Loggerheads and the associated costs.


(c)        That members agree to add the cost of procuring the specialist consultants referred to in recommendation (b) to the current capital programme in accordance with the Council’s Financial Regulations.

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