Agenda item

Application for Major Development - Former Jubilee Baths, Nelson Place, Newcastle. Westlands Estates Ltd. 15/00166/FUL


Members expressed concerns regarding the fact that there was only parking for 21 vehicles out of 244 rooms and that this could lead to increased on street parking and have a detrimental impact on residents in the locality.


A proposal for refusal was moved and seconded on these grounds and voted on as follows:


In favour of refusal:    6

Against:                      7


The recommendation fell and Members voted on the recommendations as listed in the report with the additional recommendation that flat (if feasible) solar panels be fitted to the roof of the building:


In favour:         9

Against:          5





A.           Subject to the applicant entering into a Section 106 obligation by no later than 3rd July, to secure the following:


(i)            a financial contribution to the  enhancement and maintenance of an area of public open space of £198,716 and a travel plan monitoring fee of £2,200.


(ii)          a financial contribution of £50,000 to be used to fund Resident Parking Zones in the event that it has been demonstrated (through surveys secured by condition) that the development has resulted in on street parking problems.


That the application be permited subject to conditions relating to the following matters:-


1.         Time limit/ Revised Plans

2.         Materials

3.         Occupation to be restricted to students only

4.         Letting of contract for redevelopment prior to demolition of the building and commencement of development within six months of the demolition of the building

5.         Details of landscaping to be agreed, to include details of boundary treatment/security fence to the landscaped areas.

6.         Landscape management plan

7.         Residential parking survey of streets to be agreed prior to first occupation of the development and a second survey 12 months later when fully occupied.

8.         Provision of parking, turning areas and pedestrian visibility splays

9.         Replacement of disabled parking spaces that will be lost to accommodate the site access.

10.       Prior approval of the details of the management of the parking area and measures to prevent occupiers having cars.

11.       Implementation of Travel Plan

12.       Gymnasium, IT suite, cinema room and any other accommodation for the students use only

13.       Prior approval of ground floor glazing to rooms to ensure adequate privacy

14.       Prior approval of window treatment within the whole building to ensure consistency of approach

15.       Provision of the security measures set out in the submission, or other measures that have been agreed.

16.       Building recording prior to demolition

17.       Construction hours

18.       Construction Management Plan

19.       Implementation of measures to reduce the impact of noise as set out in the submitted noise assessment.

20.       Prior approval of plant and machinery, including a noise assessment and mitigation measures

21.       Piling operations, including a noise and vibration assessment, to be carried out in accordance with details that are agreed beforehand.  The Council and residents of Brunswick Street and Hanover Street to be notified at least 14 days in advance of the commencement of the piling operations.

22.       Submission of an air quality impact assessment and details measures to minimise air pollution before installation of biomass and CHP systems and adherence to approved details for the life of the development.

23.       Details of ventilation system to ensure appropriate indoor air quality

24.       Waste storage and collection arrangements

25.       Contaminated land conditions

26.       Implementation of security/crime prevention measures

27.       Removal of permitted development rights for telecommunication apparatus

28.       The provision, subject to approval of details, of solar panelling on the roof of the building 



B.        Failing completion by 3rd July 2015, that the Head of Planning have delegated authority to either refuse the application on the grounds that in the absence of such secured planning obligations the public open space needs of the development would not be met and appropriate parking controls would not be achieved; or if he considers it appropriate, to extend the period of time within which the obligation can be secured.

Supporting documents: