Agenda item



(i)            That the representations set out in the Issues Consultation and Response Document and approve the document for publication be noted.


(ii)          That, subject to any issues arising from the Planning Committee, Cabinet agreed to the publication of the Draft Strategic Options Consultation Document and accompanying Sustainability Appraisal Report for public consultation purposes, in line with the methods of consultation set out in the adopted Statement of Community Involvement.


(iii)         That a report be submitted to a subsequent meeting of the Cabinet on the results of the Strategic Options public consultation exercise, as part of the next stage in the Joint Local Plan process – Preferred Options later in 2017.


(iv)         That the revised timetable for the production of the Joint Local Plan and that this is published as an update to the Council’s Local Development Scheme be agreed.


(v)          That, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing, the Executive Director for Regeneration and Development be given delegated powers for the following:


·            The authority to finalise the public consultation

arrangements and associated documentation for the Strategic Options stage.

·             The authority to respond to any issues and to

make decisions  which may arise from time to time (including any necessary revisions to the timetable) in order to ensure the satisfactory progress of the plan making process and also to ensure that  collaboration with Stoke-on-Trent City Council is maintained throughout the process, including reference to the Joint Advisory Group.

·            To represent the Borough Council at all Duty to Co-

operate meetings and to consider and respond (if necessary) to any matters raised at such meetings.



A report was submitted to Cabinet advising Members on the current position in respect of the Joint Local Plan.


The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing, Councillor Kyle Robinson summarised the report, advising members that he sought Cabinet’s approval to go out to consultation on the next stage.  The results of the consultation would be brought back to a meeting of the Cabinet in Autumn 2017 as part of the next stage of the process.


The Council’s Executive Director for Regeneration and Development, Mr Neale Clifton gave a presentation to Members which had previously been shown to Members of the Planning Committee on 22 June,2017.


The presentation provided an update on the plan-making process for the Newcastle-under-Lyme and Stoke on Trent Joint Local Plan beginning witht e Vision for the Plan along with its aims and objectives..


Members attention was drawn to the ‘Growth Scenarios’ and were advised that Option C was the most appropriate one based upon the evidence and that this level of growth would be considered as the Objectively Assessed Need (OAN) for the area..


It was then explained that six ‘Broad Options’ had been reviewed with the aim of achieving a level of growth to meet the OAN.


Members were informed that Stoke on Trent City Council’s Planning  Committee had considered the same documentation and supporting information as Newcastle on 26 June, 2017.  The same recommendations had been approved and it was also agreed that it should be the subject of public consultation.  In addition, it was confirmed that the City Council’s Cabinet had approved the report and agreed the recommendations at its meeting held on 27 June, 2017.


The Vice-Chair of the Borough Council’s Planning Committee, Councillor Chris Spence was in attendance and was invited to speak.  He thanked the Council’s Planning policy Manager, Ms Helen Beech and her team for the work that they had done in preparing the documents on such a complex subject matter and for Ms Beech’s informative presentation to Plsanning Committee.


Councillor Robinson also thanked Ms Beech and her team as well as Mr Clifton for the amount of work that had been done and was still to do.  Councillor Chris Spence was also thanked for his comments from the Planning Committee.


Councillor Turner also thanked Ms Beech and her team for their work and  stated that  the process needed to be done thoroughly in order to avoid problems later. 


The Chair, Councillor Mrs Shenton asked about slippage of the timetable.  In addition to the explanation provided in the report and by the officer at the meeting it was noted that a Joint Advisory Group had been established as an informal group who would track and monitor progress.


Councillor Turner stated that the chances of young people obtaining a mortgage in the future was questionable and therefore there needed to be an increase in social housing that was available.  Mr Clifton confirmed that the ‘affordable housing’ definition within the Plan did include social housing and that there was likely to be an increased requirement for provision in the future. .


Resolved:     (i)           That the representations set out in the Issues Consultation

                                      and Response Document and approve the document for

                                      publication be noted.


(ii)           That, taking account of the resolutions of  Planning Committee, Cabinet agreed to the publication of the Draft Strategic Options Consultation Document and accompanying Sustainability Appraisal Report for public consultation purposes, in line with the methods of consultation set out in the adopted Statement of Community Involvement.


(iii)          That a report be submitted to a subsequent meeting of the Cabinet on the results of the Strategic Options public consultation exercise, as part of the next stage in the Joint Local Plan process – Preferred Options later in 2017.


(iv)         That the revised timetable for the production of the Joint Local Plan and that this is published as an update to the Council’s Local Development Scheme be agreed.


(v)          That, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing, the Executive Director for Regeneration and Development be given delegated powers for the following:


·            The authority to finalise the public consultation

arrangements and associated documentation for the Strategic Options stage.

·             The authority to respond to any issues and to

make decisions  which may arise from time to time (including any necessary revisions to the timetable) in order to ensure the satisfactory progress of the plan making process and also to ensure that  collaboration with Stoke-on-Trent City Council is maintained throughout the process, including reference to the Joint Advisory Group.

·            To represent the Borough Council at all Duty to Co-

operate meetings and to consider and respond (if necessary) to any matters raised at such meetings.


Supporting documents: