Agenda item

New Applications Received

To make observations on new applications received.



Resolved:-    That the following observations be made on the application listed below:-


Lennard Jones Building, Keele University   17/00091/FUL


The Working Party welcomed the additional sections that had been provided which were useful in understanding the relationship between the proposed extension and the Listed Chapel.  The Working Party felt that the proposal was likely to have little impact on the setting of the Chapel but was concerned over the potential impact on the setting of the historic landscape particularly with the glass upper storeys and the night-time distance views.


Lime View, Main Road, Betley  17/00087/LBC & 17/00086/FUL


With regard to the Listed Building, the Conservation Advisory Working Party had some concerns over the impact of the canopy, given some of the details on the rear extension.  There were no details of fixings provided and how it would be attached to the extension or any guttering.  The Working Party requested that the Conservation Officer ensures these are provided and considered.  Some members felt that if done well, this might hide the poor quality lintels on the extension and therefore be an improvement.


No objections to the pizza oven but the garden room again would be better if it appeared more solid, and had less glass.


Old Brown Jug, Bridge St, Newcastle   17/00164/FUL


The Working Party wished to express how important the backs to these properties are, which are visible from the ring road and provide views into the Conservation Area.  It felt like the design of the proposed galvanised escape staircase was poor and should be improved in terms of its design, materials and finish.


44 Mount Pleasant, Newcastle  16/01020/FUL


No objections.


95-97 High Street, Newcastle  17/00161/ADV


No objections to the signs in general, but the Working Party  object to the size of the fascia sign in between the two upper floor windows.  No fixings to the masonry.


Former Savoy cinema, Newcastle  17/00174/FUL


The Conservation Advisory Working Party welcomed the reduction in height of the building and the viewpoints shown would reduce the impact of the building on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area.  However it was still felt that it is too big and that its design and style is totally inappropriate and will still have an adverse impact upon the Conservation Area.  No buildings within the town are completely clad in metal, Newcastle is predominantly a brick town.  The Working Party felt that the proposal would have a harmful impact on the Midway part of town, the design will date quickly and will create an even more unpleasing environment along the alley.  The original cinema building is important historically and not enough has been made of this within the design consideration of the proposed building.


Land off Westbury Road, Clayton  17/00195/TDET


No objections providing the new cabinet is painted green.


Supporting documents: