Agenda item

Work Plan

To discuss and update the work plans to reflect current scrutiny topics



Members went on to consider items for future scrutiny within the work programme as follows.


In relation to the issue of the Community Infrastructure Levy, (CIL), it was noted that this was scheduled to be discussed by Cabinet at their October meeting and that there was little prospect of a CIL for Newcastle under Lyme area in isolation of the Local Plan.


Agreed          That the item concerning Superfast Broadband be removed from the work plan as members had little influence in this area.


It was noted that a planning application was due to be considered in August for the Ryecroft redevelopment.


With regard to the asset management strategy and the disposal of land, it was pointed out that if any further areas were considered these would be reported to Cabinet and subject to call in.


It was pointed out that the Economic Development and Enterprise Scrutiny Committee no longer had a financial investment in the Kidsgrove Town Centre Partnership.  The portfolio holder would offer support, where possible, to help the groups involved to build a more harmonious relationships. However, in response to a member request it was:-


Agreed            That a half yearly report on the Kidsgrove Town Centre Partnership be submitted to this Scrutiny Committee for consideration. 


Members considered a possible review of the Business Support Helpline.


Agreed          That a performance report concerning the use of the Business Helpline be submitted to the September meeting of this Committee.


The Chair asked members to contribute to this report and to be a point of contact within their area of expertise.


Optimising the economic benefits of HS2 and a review of the research commissioned for the Northern Gateway Development Zone was discussed.   The Executive Director, Regeneration and Development advised that circa £2m of consultancy work had been offered to the market and that the Borough Council should be sited on this brief.  In this respect it was suggested that the HS2 group be reformed and should to be updated on timescales etc.


Agreed          That the Executive Director, Regeneration and Development be requested to ensure that Councillors Proctor and Northcott together with the Chair be kept fully up to date and briefed on any developments including the timescales relating to HS2.


Moving on, the Executive Director, Regeneration and Development explained the background to the item relating to the possible shared service for building control.


Agreed          That officers continue with work relating to the building control shared service and that a report be submitted to this Scrutiny Committee in due course.


Councillor Loades was concerned with the number of CCGs. Councillor Loades also considered that it was also important to ensure that there was sufficient provision of GP surgeries when new housing was developed. Councillor Loades was advised that was a matter for possible joint scrutiny with the Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee.


 Agreed         That Councillor Loades and Councillor Proctor together with and the Chair review the issue of the impact on highways of planning developments across the Borough and the A34 traffic policy developed by Staffordshire County Council and to report back to this Scrutiny Committee.


Agreed          That the Vice Chair, Councillor G Williams together with the Portfolio holder examine the Borough market and the reasons why it was under-performing.


Continuing, The Regeneration and Economic Development Manager set out the bid for the Growth Deal 3 LEP funding, as aligned to the priorities of the Borough.


The Chair encouraged members to lobby relevant decision makers of the LEP executive prior to a decision being taken on Thursday 21 July on the allocation of funding prior to the bids going forward to central Government on 28 July. She emphasised the importance of the collective voice, especially as the future of local government was based around a rate levy.  The Regeneration and Economic Development Manager agreed to ensure that the contact information was given to members.


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